วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Horror House on Highway 5

Horror House on Highway 5 Review

This movie is a brilliant, underground masterpiece due to it's surreal qualities, bizarre tone, atmospheric lighting and strange story. This film was made without taking itself seriously which is what makes it so great.

First, let me tell you what is DIFFERENT about the dvd release.

The DVD release, for some strange reason, abandons the entire soundtrack that makes the original version so effective. The original surreal score music is still there, but every single song from the original release has been changed. If you see this movie, you have to see the first release as that soundtrack moves along with the visual weirdness flawlessly, far more effectively than the "new" soundtrack. I also noticed they changed the end credits and removed all of the song credits that were in the original vesion. The only other difference is that the girl's dialogue in the beginning has been re-dubbed over her original version.

The storyline, while completely wacked out, has it's moments and there is plenty of visual weirdness and compellingly eerie moments. This is a movie you have to watch alone, in a dark room, with headphones on if possible so the soundtrack and sound effects can buzz in your head effectively as much as the visual cinematography and lighting tone.

Dr. Mabuse is a scientist with an agenda that he attempts to carry out with his friend Gary, a not so smart understudy of sorts, who seems to fall for a girl (Sally Smith) that Mabuse wants Gary to hold captive for some strange experiment which is never made completely clear and consists of a Mabuse chant with attempts to iron poor Sally with a hot iron.

When Dr. Mabuse gets frustrated with Gray and leaves to continue his father's work, Gary begins to bond with Sally as she remains chained up.

Meanwhile, Sally's classmates Louise and the pot smoking Mike Simpson trek into the woods nearby for an experiment they are conducting for a college research paper on the V-2 Rocket and it's inventor, Frederick Bartholomeo, which happens to be Dr. Mabuse's father, a raving madman wearing a Richard Nixon mask.

Bartholomeo roams the area, killing a few people in some interestingly lucid moments, which leaves the viewer wondering what the hell they just saw. There is nothing bloody here, and there doesn't need to be, because Horror House works on the mind, not blatant gore.

Eventually, Louise is the final student left, finding her way to the "red room" in the Horror House where a strange, unseen flying blade (which made me think of the silver sphere Phantasm) pursues her randomly.

Bartholomeo chases after Louise, determined to stop her from finding Sally and stopping the experiments of Mabuse and Bartholomeo.

The soundtrack is a masterpiece in itself - with psychadelic, rock-a-billy, and classic rock songs mixed with theme and background score that somehow perfectly compliments the visual scenery of the film.

I have literally seen this movie over 2,000 times...used to watch it once a day every day for a year straight. Yes I must be insane, but no matter how many times I see it, something new reveals itself or a new meaning is discovered in the highly disguised context of the story.

The only complaint about the DVD edition is that the releasing company should have provided more extras with commentaries, extra scenes, interviews or something of more substance than a generic documentary on horror movies.

Don't expect great film-making, expect a truly bizarre experience.

Horror House on Highway 5 Feature

Horror House on Highway 5 Overview

"A cult classic never before released on dvd." "Wild and wacky horror at its finest." "Horror films don't get much stranger than this odd little effort...you may find yourself strangely engrossed." - Matt Serafini in Geocities

Horror House on Highway 5 Specifications

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 30, 2009 11:32:08

วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cristiano Ronaldo's Girlfriend Gemma Atkinson Accused Of Cheating On The Manchester United Superstar

Cristiano Ronaldo's sexy girlfriend Gemma Atkinson was the unfaithfulness of the midfielder from Manchester United after he caught flirting with another man on television, much to the delight of women around the world who desperately improvise a hopefully Single Portuguese star indicted.

Former Hollyoaks actress Gemma Atkinson was based on the reality show Soapstar Superstar as she flirting with the Home And Away actor Mark Furze has been accused. Cristiano Ronaldo'sGirlfriend Gemma Atkinson was touch and enjoy the company of very sexy actor Mark Furze. Mark sees worship you a bit of a play by Australian fans, and he made a name for himself as an actor in the popular Australian TV series Home And Away, which is still shown on UK television.

This relationship demands were angry by Ronaldo's girlfriend Gemma, who made a skillful editing data, it appears that they refused to flirt with the Australian actor. She claimsthat there is only a ploy to boost the shows ratings, and that they only had romantic feelings for Cristiano. It's not the first time that Atkinson has been a celebrity, having apparently involved in another footballer, Charlton Athletic star Darren Bent.

Ronaldo girlfriend reported that a friend said that Ronaldo is superb in every respect and that things are going very well together. Cristiano Ronaldo seems to agree that it is going really well between the couple, andthat he constantly text her during the TV show recordings and
that he has the vote for Gemma constantly during the show. Was, according to a friend he'd like to go into the studio in person and show his support for Gemma Atkinson, but worried, cause it to be a surprise due to the apparent throw between Gemma and Mark could.

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Very Best Of Sabrina - The Animated Series

The Very Best Of Sabrina - The Animated Series Review

As I learn that this show sill go of CBS this fall, I 'm glad this is out. Even though I prefer Secret Life, this is a good value and I hope I get this set soon!

The Very Best Of Sabrina - The Animated Series Feature

  • Short lived animated spin off of the television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The animated series is a prequel which features Sabrina as a skinny, attitude giving, pre-teen with small witch powers. Also features the hilarious wise-cracking cat Salem, Sabrina's naive surfer dude friend Harvey, spoiled brat rich girl Gem Stone, Sabrina's rule stricken uncle Uncle Quigley, Sabrina's s

The Very Best Of Sabrina - The Animated Series Overview

Short lived animated spin off of the television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The animated series is a prequel which features Sabrina as a skinny, attitude giving, pre-teen with small witch powers. Also features the hilarious wise-cracking cat Salem, Sabrina's naive surfer dude friend Harvey, spoiled brat rich girl Gem Stone, Sabrina's rule stricken uncle Uncle Quigley, Sabrina's spaced out friend Pi, and of course, Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda, Sabrina's two criticizing, witchy aunts.

Rating: NR
Age: 826663976557
UPC: 826663976557
Manufacturer No: D2D97655

The Very Best Of Sabrina - The Animated Series Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 28, 2009 09:40:07

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Sci-Fi 3-Pack [Blu-ray]

Sci-Fi 3-Pack [Blu-ray] Review

Sci-Fi 3-Pack [Blu-ray] Feature


Sci-Fi 3-Pack [Blu-ray] Overview


Sci-Fi 3-Pack [Blu-ray] Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 27, 2009 08:41:07

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Mummy: The Animated Series, Vol. 1

The Mummy: The Animated Series, Vol. 1 Review

people who liked the animated the mummy show need this one becouse this is how the story stated and I recomend it

The Mummy: The Animated Series, Vol. 1 Feature

The Mummy: The Animated Series, Vol. 1 Overview

Studio: Uni Dist Corp. (mca) Release Date: 12/16/2008 Run time: 192 minutes Rating: Nr

The Mummy: The Animated Series, Vol. 1 Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 26, 2009 08:33:05

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Barbie Diaries

The Barbie Diaries Review

It's a little mature for the typical Barbie crowd. I bought it for my four year old daughter, and I was taken aback a bit by the more mature themes represented on the DVD (high school, Fall Formals, crushing on the cutest guy in school, etc). But I actually like the DVD myself. It's sweet, and has great music throughout by Skye Sweetnam. My daughter watches it with me, and we discuss things she doesn't understand. She also loves the music. But, once again, it would have been nice to have a bit more of a head's up on the actual content.

The Barbie Diaries Feature

  • An animated feature film starring every little girl's favorite blonde, THE BARBIE DIARIES follows teenage Barbie and her best pals as they navigate the perils of self-discovery. At the dawn of a new school year, Barbie wants big changes, and with the aid of her new magic bracelet, things really do start to happen--she starts a band and learns to rock, makes new friends, and even captures the e

The Barbie Diaries Overview

An animated feature film starring every little girl's favorite blonde, THE BARBIE DIARIES follows teenage Barbie and her best pals as they navigate the perils of self-discovery. At the dawn of a new school year, Barbie wants big changes, and with the aid of her new magic bracelet, things really do start to happen--she starts a band and learns to rock, makes new friends, and even captures the eye of her crush, the most popular boy in school!

Rating: NR
Age: 031398187806
UPC: 031398187806
Manufacturer No: 18780

The Barbie Diaries Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 25, 2009 05:07:05

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Emerald City of Oz

The Emerald City of Oz Review

What can I say? the emerald city of oz was just as good as the 1st! Ozma's magickal powers were so much fun to enjoy and the characters were just as fun as they have always been. It was great to see the good witch of the south make a brief appearence again. Glinda's so cool, good and powerful. I wish Cinar could of made more movies of Oz! They were all great and FANTASTIC!

The Emerald City of Oz Feature

  • The enchantment of L. Frank Baum'sic Wizard of Oz books is captured in the exciting Emerald City of Oz, based on the sixth book in this timeless series. The Nome King plots his revenge against the Oz people, who narrowly defeated him in Ozma of Oz. Working with the help of Guph, an invasion specialist, the Nome King and his troops tunnel under the Deadly Desert with the aim of enslaving the people

The Emerald City of Oz Overview

The enchantment of L. Frank Baum's classic Wizard of Oz books is captured in the exciting Emerald City of Oz, based on the sixth book in this timeless series. The Nome King plots his revenge against the Oz people, who narrowly defeated him in Ozma of Oz. Working with the help of Guph, an invasion specialist, the Nome King and his troops tunnel under the Deadly Desert with the aim of enslaving the people of the Emerald City. Dorothy, the Tin Woodsman, the Scarecrow and their friends fear the worst, as Princess Ozma insists on finding a non-violent solution.
Running Time: 90 min.

Rating: NR
Age: 085365616820
UPC: 085365616820
Manufacturer No: A56168

The Emerald City of Oz Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 24, 2009 04:35:06

วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Download Movie Rentals Directly to Your TV

With advancements in modern technology, it is only a matter of time before the Internet can totally replace DVD's the delivery method of choice for film distributor. What you may not know that the ability to download movie rentals on demand by certain DVD rental companies offer. In this article we will talk about who is providing these innovative services and how to legally download movies at any time at the click of a mouse via the Web.

Therising costs for cinema trips and a bumpy economy has examined more Americans to lead in-home entertainment, in lieu of going out. Not only is more convenient to stay at home, but you can save a bundle in this way. The ability to download movie rentals gives customers the choice and flexibility to consider the best of their film programs.

There is a great player that offers popular movies for streaming download to their members. ThisCompany NetFlix and they had their first appearance in nearly a decade with its revolutionary DVD rental by mail. Always an innovative company is hard at work recently, Netflix has been building and releasing a working movie download-on-demand service, the Internet and uses a separate device called the Netflix Player to stream movies directly to your tv.

During this time, Netflix has more than 10,000 movies and TV episodes to their service for download. All of these are legallylicensed, so you never worry about winding up in difficulties. The need to Netflix service, you get access to these downloads is affordable enough for every budget. The device that you specify on which one the Netflix player and it runs $ 99 at the time of writing this article. The Netflix Player is not like a DVR, and contains no actual hard drive so that you are not in a position to the movies that you download, but only to save faster access in real time using the standard stop, fast forward and rewindFunctions.

The only drawback is that they now publish for a while Netflix movies to the latest downloadable format. If you have a burning desire to see this week's newest product, you will have to do it have on the old fashioned way and send them the DVD. As the service becomes more popular, the less of a problem. Netflix is quite willing to download it to its final destination in the clip for rent if you want to expand on the television or at homeTheater.

วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mysterious Island (Widescreen)

Mysterious Island (Widescreen) Review

Great storyline, awsome music, survivors, monsters, and a volcano. What more can this classic adventure need? Great for kids and adults alike.

Mysterious Island (Widescreen) Feature

Mysterious Island (Widescreen) Overview

Movie DVD

Mysterious Island (Widescreen) Specifications

Jules Verne's classic adventure is perfectly matched with Ray Harryhausen's timeless movie magic in Mysterious Island. Based on Verne's sequel to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, this rousing Civil War-era fantasy begins when a band of Union war prisoners (and one Confederate straggler) escape in a hot-air balloon, which crash-lands on the titular island of mystery. Verne's novel doesn't include any gigantic creatures, but Harryhausen's version--under the capable direction of genre specialist Cy Endfield--features giant oysters, bees, a prehistoric Phororhacos (a giant chickenlike bird!), an undersea cephalopod, a giant crab, and enough danger to keep its resourceful ensemble on constant alert. Captain Nemo (Herbert Lom, ably filling James Mason's shoes) is a third-act hero, pursuing an ill-fated dream to save humanity from hunger and war. The action may be too intense for younger viewers, but Endfield's pacing and Harryhausen's stop-motion mastery make Mysterious Island a wondrous precursor to Harryhausen's follow-up classic, Jason and the Argonauts. --Jeff Shannon

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 22, 2009 01:07:06

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Stephen King - The Stand

If he has never written a word, Stephen King deserves to be reminded of this fact, his contribution to the "Disaster Novel" genre. (Note: This review refers to the original version of the novel, not the "Special Edition")

It begins innocently enough, with an officer to escape from his base. But he left it too late, and he carries a new disease in the world. Begin to die in the coming months, the people, in small amounts at first, then in the hundreds, thousands andFinally millions.

The survivors, drawn in a very heterogeneous group from all walks of life to find her to make a choice, with the forces of evil in Flagg one of the best fictional villains (in living memory) or personalized to join a "stand" for a good, embodied by Aunt Abigail, an old skinny black woman with a fundamentalist approach to their faith.

Soon all the survivors are strung on one side or the other, and set up the final battle for their future fate is when theMain characters are taking their own "state"

The questions of faith posed by this, and how each of the protagonists make their choices form the moral core of this book, and the rigors of basic research, where the survival of our civilization is the backbone of the plot, but it's the characters that stick in You have done your head long after the reading.

King has always been good in the "land" types, but here he shows a sure hand with such diverse people as a deaf-mute, a rock star,A garage worker, a pregnant teenager and her admirer-from-afar neighbor Harold (a man so slimy you'll like under a shower after reading about him) feel

You feel rapport with these characters and they are soon to celebrate, and the king has managed to inflate into a streak of roles, and prevents play any character.

The book carries a strong moral tone throughout, and sometimes it seems almost biblical in its "fire-and-brimstone" intensity. In typical KingFashion, there are some startling set pieces, the collection of which is in a tunnel, from the dead and decaying bodies that must be navigated without light is full. Not for the squeamish.

Many people were intimidated by the sheer size of this book. On over 1000 pages, it is not read quickly, and in the early chapters, it is sometimes difficult to keep track of the large list of characters. King also seems to take some pleasure in slowing down and looking in great detailon some rather unpleasant deaths from the disease - a super-flu, which results in a particularly chaotic fluid expulsion.

But once Flagg appears and begins insinuating themselves into dreams of the survivors. the tension starts to crank and King knows how to keep you hooked, cheer the good guys with the denoument.

I will not spoil, by its end, but the last "state is" not quite as expected, and has some truly shocking consequences for theProtagonists.

For a jaded horror fan brought up on John Wyndham and John Christopher, this book has revived my interest again in the late 70s years. This was the book that I want to return to the horror, and made me to write it myself.

For that alone it has a lot to answer for.

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Which Final Fantasy Cosplay Costume Represents You?

Although cosplay originating in Japan that does not mean other countries are not interested in the phenomenon. The United States and Canada participate together with other Western countries in any case in cosplay, but the cosplay costumes are often different. These countries are more interested in cleaning for Star Wars, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings.

Now, anime, manga and video games have become popular in western societies, all you can see more cosplay costumes similar to theJapanese traditional music.

One of the problems faced by people interested in cosplay, anime characters are often not like normal people. Their bodies are often not in proportion, especially in the women who make it hard to be like the characters look exactly like that.

A number that is large has always stood for cosplay Final Fantasy. The anime series has a wonderful character development is not adapted from any other video game. Above all the main characters provide strongEmotions that you feel connected with them and are interested in Final Fantasy Cosplay costumes. The following are brief biography of the main characters from Final Fantasy VII-XIII.

Cloud Strife

He was the lead in FF VII What most people remember about Cloud is his extremely spiky hair, which is always used by cosplayers. He also had a huge sword that was bigger than him. Cloud is not only a unique character, he was so popular that it Square Enix FinalFantasy Tactics, Dirge of Cerberus, and many of the Kingdom Heat games. Also he is the main character of the Final Fantasy based movie Advent Children.

Squall Leonhart

He is from FF VIII, considered one of the best games ever made. Squall is much different from past FF lead characters; he was extremely emotional which caused him to be disliked. However, the story of FFVIII made him become a favorite and appear in the Kingdom Heart Series.

Zidane Tribal

He is the central figure of the old school FF IX. Zidane would never be considered too emotional like Cloud or Squall, he was actually very happy and full of energy. Zidane is not a very popular protagonist, but he also has some fans.


He was the main character from FF X. His dress was a uniform for the game, ball lightning, and was similar to that of football. He has a sad story in the game is not love but ofall fans. Tidus was also somewhat emotional like Squall but had some fans and comes back in the sequel Final Fantasy X-2.


Vaan is the narrator of FF XII. Vaan is a much more mature main character than the past overly emotional characters. He is going to make a cameo appearance in the game Final Fantasy Tactics A2.

Those were the main characters of the most popular Final Fantasy games. If you want Final Fantasy cosplay costumes these Signs are your best choice because they are well known and loved. Final Fantasy Cosplay Costumes need not stop with the male leads, however, because each FF game has a female counterpart, equally important, had also excellent for Final Fantast cosplay costumes.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Shadow of the Vampire

Shadow of the Vampire Review

I love this movie. I have the original Nosferatu and Dafoe nails the character. John Malkovich is outstanding as the obsessed director. I also loved Eddie Izzard and the self-absorbed actor afraid of his own shadow. All the performance truly brought to life the idea of how a film director obsessed with perfection can do the unthinkable and hire a real vampire to play a role. Fabulous and a must see for all fans of these actors, vampires and the great b movies of the 50's. It is a character study any film or stage student should watch.

Shadow of the Vampire Feature

Shadow of the Vampire Overview

Studio: Lions Gate Home Ent. Release Date: 06/17/2003 Rating: R

Shadow of the Vampire Specifications

Clever, engaging, and boosted by the sublime casting of Willem Dafoe as Nosferatu actor Max Schreck, Shadow of the Vampire is a film full of good ideas that are only partially developed. Its premise is ripe with possibilities, but the movie's too slight to register much impact, so you're left to relish its delightful performances and director E. Elias Merhige's affectionately tongue-in-cheek homage to a landmark of German silent cinema. John Malkovich is aptly loony as the eccentric director F.W. Murnau, whose passion in filming the 1922 classic Nosferatu leads to the extreme casting of Schreck as the vampire, a vision of evil who, in this movie's delightfully twisted imagination, actually is a vampire, sucking the blood of cast and crewmembers who've dismissed Schreck as an overzealous method actor.

As these on-set maladies and "accidents" continue, Schreck wields greater control over Murnau, who descends into a kind of obsessive art-for-art's-sake madness until diva costar Greta Schroeder (Catherine McCormack, doing wonderful work) is served up as the actor's ultimate motivation. Merhige and his actors (including Cary Elwes, as intrepid cameraman Fritz Wagner) have great fun with this ghastly escapade, and the humor is kept delicately subtle to balance the movie's artistic aspirations. To that end, Dafoe is just right, his bald pate and gaunt features a perfect match for the mysterious Schreck, his grimace and talon-like fingers suggesting a human vulture on the prowl. Likewise, the re-creation of Nosferatu's expressionist style is both fanciful and brilliantly authentic. Too bad, then, that this movie suffers a mild case of vampiric anemia; if it shared the depth and richness of, say, Ed Wood, this might have been a cult classic for the ages. --Jeff Shannon

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 06, 2009 10:58:06

วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Boo! The Movie

Boo! The Movie Review

Being a Horror fan, I need to take Independent films' good attempts with the bad attempts and "Boo! The Movie" has all the right moves! Sure, its low budget, but it really has all the ingredients of a well-rounded horror film that the entire family can enjoy. At times the dialogue attempts to have deep meaning and substance... It's A Horror Movie! Who cares about the dialogue? For this Director's debut- not too shabby.

This Chicago based flick turned a lot of heads when it premiered a couple years back. The local papers pushed it and the premiere was at the historic Vick Theater. I'm originally from Chicago and movie making in the windy city is not thought of as a "warm experience." I don't know if "Boo! The Movie" would have made it this far if were not for strong marketing efforts... after all, its a low-budget horror movie.

Overall, "Boo!" has a little of everything; some corny one-liners, the frat/sorority kids, those pesky townies, the ghosts walking the woods, the numb headed security guard (the best character of the film) and a few startling scares.

Boo! The Movie Feature

Boo! The Movie Overview

Boo! The Movie Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 05, 2009 10:12:06

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Brainstorm (Remastered Edition)

Brainstorm (Remastered Edition) Review

In 1983, I saw this film on video tape. Time has not dulled the experience. It is a view of a very high tech modern world. It would be great if this type of technology existed in the real world. A great sci-fi film.

Brainstorm (Remastered Edition) Feature

Brainstorm (Remastered Edition) Overview

Studio: Warner Home Video Release Date: 02/03/2009 Run time: 92 minutes Rating: Pg

Brainstorm (Remastered Edition) Specifications

Brainstorm is a fascinating but frustrating film, simply because it dabbles in greatness but fails to develop the fullest implications of its provocative ideas. It's a visually dazzling film with outstanding special effects; directed by veteran effects creator Douglas Trumbull, of 2001 fame; but too caught up in marvels of hardware and software at the expense of its characters, who remain interesting but dramatically two-dimensional. The story involves the development of a headset recorder that can replay one person's experiences--even their emotional states--into the mind of another. The device obviously invites corporate or military exploitation, and Cliff Robertson plays a ruthless executive determined to tap into its lucrative potential. But when a scientist (Louise Fletcher) records her own death experience with the device, along with incriminating evidence, the technology's inventor (Christopher Walken) must unlock the mysteries of his colleague's suspicious demise and the very nature of death itself. Punctuated by remarkable sequences from the perspective of those who use the mind-expanding headset, Brainstorm dares to reach for ambitious themes and innovative movie experiences, and that alone makes it eminently worthwhile. But with a conclusion that too literally interprets the afterlife experience with conventional angelic imagery, and a disappointingly thin role for Natalie Wood (who died while the film was still in production), the film strives for profundity and settles instead for an inspirational light show. --Jeff Shannon

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 04, 2009 10:00:06

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Haunted Airman

The Haunted Airman Review

A tour de force for Pattinson as he takes center-stage in a film that has him playing a very different role that he did in Twilight for sure. A seriously wounded airman, Jugg (Pattinson) is sent to recuperate at a secluded mansion and instead finds himself a victim... a victim of nightmares and visions. The complex conspiracy that comes to light is fueled by those around him, those he ought to trust.

Pattinson fans will thoroughly enjoy this film. Based on the novel 'The Haunting of Toby Jugg", the BBC production is well crafted and, like classic horror films, shows a slow descent into madness for the lead character. If you're a fan of Pattinson, this is a must see as he IS this film from start to finish!

The Haunted Airman Feature

The Haunted Airman Overview

Flight Lieutenant Jugg (Twilight's Robert Pattinson), confined to a wheelchair after being wounded in action, arrives at a remote mansion in Wales to recuperate. Suffering from terrible nightmares and visions, he suspects the methods of his psychiatrist, Dr. Hal Burns (Julian Sands). His beautiful aunt, Julia (Rachael Stirling) seems to be the only person he can trust – until circumstances make him doubt even her intentions. Based on the novel “The Haunting of Toby Jugg” by Dennis Wheatley.

The Haunted Airman Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 03, 2009 08:46:26