วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Review

This is by far the best film in the Terminator series, and one of my all-time favorite movies! Arnold played his role superbly, as did all of the actors. The effects were way beyond it's time and still look great! The story was more rich, yet just as dark as the first Terminator. The entire series could've ended here, and everyone would've been satisfied... Overall, a must-see for any sci-fi/action fan!

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Overview

After he pushed the envelope of computer-generated special effects in The Abyss, director James Cameron turned this hotly anticipated sequel to Terminator into a well-written, action-packed showcase for advanced special effects and for one of the most invincible villains ever imagined. Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a legitimate sequel: there's more story to tell about a hulking, leather-clad android (Arnold Schwarzenegger) who arrives from the future to protect a rebellious teenager and future leader (Edward Furlong) from being killed by the tenacious T-1000 robot (Robert Patrick), whose liquid-metal construction makes him seemingly unstoppable. The fate of the future lies in the balance, with Linda Hamilton (who would later marry her director) reprising her role as the rugged woman whose son will change the course of history. --Jeff Shannon

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Specifications

After he pushed the envelope of computer-generated special effects in The Abyss, director James Cameron turned this hotly anticipated sequel to Terminator into a well-written, action-packed showcase for advanced special effects and for one of the most invincible villains ever imagined. Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a legitimate sequel: there's more story to tell about a hulking, leather-clad android (Arnold Schwarzenegger) who arrives from the future to protect a rebellious teenager and future leader (Edward Furlong) from being killed by the tenacious T-1000 robot (Robert Patrick), whose liquid-metal construction makes him seemingly unstoppable. The fate of the future lies in the balance, with Linda Hamilton (who would later marry her director) reprising her role as the rugged woman whose son will change the course of history. --Jeff Shannon

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 31, 2009 16:55:23

วันพุธที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Tomb

The Tomb Review

I have to be honest about this movie, it was not a let down, it had a lot of physical and mental agony and did meet my uncertain horror exceptions. For a director Ulli Lommel horror, this is a decent and terrifying movie. These horror movies always seem to have some desolate eerie location in South Russia and this one is centered as tale of torture. I do appreciate the blood of this movie and it surely must have been extreme for a H.P. Lovecraft story.

I recommend renting it and gathering your friends around with a few vodkas and just hiding your head off at the horror.

Great, well-grounded family entertainment. Lovecraft's family that is.

The Tomb Overview

Based on a story by the master of outrageous horror H.P. Lovecraft this bloodcurdling film introduces the "Puppetmaster." Imprisoning a group of people in a living hell of darkness and death the Puppetmaster controls the fate of each one. One by one the captives awake in agonizing pain - some are slightly injured others are fatally wounded. The survivors are also mentally tortured by the unseen villain who demands that there can be only one winner at this game.Runtime: 81 minsFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: HORROR Rating: R UPC: 012236213840 Manufacturer No: 21384

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 30, 2009 16:15:09

วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle

Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle Review

As I wrote in the title for, "Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle," this is not a film for everyone. However, I really enjoyed the film. Sometimes [many times] a film does not have to tie all the loose ends to be enjoyed, sometimes just the escapism and pure enjoyment of a film as an entertaining piece of cinema is good enough. And I found the film interesting enough to put in my collection. Plus, I liked the character of Benkei (Daisuke Ryu) as a monk who has put down his sword, yet decides that he must complete one more mission. Benkei was once a famed swordsman, however, it has been years since he has slain anyone. Yet things are about to change: For there is an evil presence at Gojoe Bridge. Who is killing all the samurai? And for that matter, why?

Benkei tries to enlist the help of his former mentor, who warns Benkei that he is not ready for this mission. Further, this monk warns Benkei that he will fail because he has not seen the way. Yeah, I know, sounds like a bunch of silly philosophical mumbo-jumbo, [and maybe it is] but that does not mean the film is not entertaining. At least for me. Moreover, I really liked the character actors in the film too. Plus, the antagonist in the film is portrayed by (Tadanobu Asano), who gives a very good portrayal in his role as a gifted swordsman. Tadanobu Asano is trying to reclaim his place as the rightful heir to the land, and watching his performance makes this film a worthwhile watch. Plus, the cinematography in the film is very good. Although there are spots here and there in the film where the picture is not very clear, they are few and far between. The film itself has great cinematography.

The films narrative takes place in 12th Century Japan, at a place called Gojoe Bridge. Apparently, many members of a warrior clan are being killed by an unknown entity. Benkei, a former warrior has become a Buddhist and refuses to kill anymore, however, he changes his mind and decides to destroy whatever evil is lurking at Gojoe Bridge. Is it human? Or is it something else? I will leave this to the viewer to watch. I can tell you, however, that this movie does not disappoint. It sure did not disappoint me. I thought the cinematography and the acting and action sequences were very good, and the film definitely has an original storyline. I am a huge fan of the Toshirio Mifune and Akira Kurosawa classics. [Not that I am comparing this film to those earlier classics]. I am not. However, I like it when directors come along with something different for a change, and this film is definitely different. And once again, this is not a film for everyone, therefore, rent it first. [Stars: 4.5]

Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle Overview

Studio: Media Blasters Inc. Release Date: 09/28/2004

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 29, 2009 14:18:06

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Confessions of a Shopaholic

"Confessions of a Shopaholic is based on the book" Confessions of a Shopaholic basis "and" Shopaholic Takes Manhattan "by Sophie Kinsella. The film is in a similar manner as Bridget Jones's Diary screen does not have the refinement of Cake starring Heather Graham. PJ Hogan which brought us Muriel's Wedding, My Best Friends Wedding, Peter Pan takes the reins of Confessions of a Shopaholic.

Isla Fisher (Definitely, Maybe) playsRebecca Bloomwood and is supported by Hugh Dancy (Jane Austen Book Club). This is his first starring role in a film, and is from a familiar cast of cameos, John Goodman, Joan Cusack, Kristin Scott Thomas, Krysten Ritter and John Lithgow surrounded. The romantic comedy has the potential, but Confessions of a Shopaholic, not enough emotional depth and missed the target with its contents flat.

Confessions of a Shopaholic sounds like a recipe for success on paper. Fresh Starlets,Isla Fisher and Hugh Dancy are able to spread their wings in an increasingly important role, together with a number of established stars, while PJ Hogan expected to use its exuberance behind the camera with a sub-plot in layers in an e-book adaptation. Isla Fisher gives a fiery performance that is funny, ditsy, and over-the-top at times. This is a sympathetic character, that is fine and there, it is easy to sympathize with her.

Fisher stars in Dancy, the screen has a strongcomparable with the presence of Hugh Grant. The two are a couple of clever and amusing to see their relations with wrestling in the world of work in the game. However, the story is not centered on the couple of hours ... Spreads on careers, shopping, love, family and friends. This dilutes the script to vent everything seems a little "surface as Rebecca is a close relationship with each character.

The movie is fun, the battles still to immerse hisAudience in history. The entire production is difficult to identify and it will become more difficult with their history of double glazing connection. The lack of contact with humans is facilitated by the terrible slapstick scenes, in addition to comedy, but to sell to the public. The story combines fantasy and reality in a style, Ally McBeal, the animation of the mannequins. The mixture is low and the distances of the character with several references to them.

The performance is Isla FisherSpot-on when it comes to comedy, seems a bit "hypocritical when it comes to romance. The end result is that the whole story seems to look out the window. Does not justify the film content with a little over 90 minutes, but his multilayered subplots to Confessions of a Shopaholic about 15 minutes too long.

Potential production is a pity that the film has tried to cram so much into the story without having to build one or two main points to plot. TheBenefits are good and the direction is constant, even if the change is choppy and the writing has no substance.

Confessions of a Shopaholic is not the same compound, such as Bridget Jones's Diary, the administration, a soft-sell message that is a hot topic for consumers in the economic environment of today. If you are in the mood for a romantic getaway light with a girl, then Confessions of a Shopaholic is Your Ticket to Ride. If you do something a little substance "morethen you should stick with Bridget Jones's Diary and The Devil Wears Prada.

The bottom line: ditsy.

Confessions of a Shopaholic shines with 5 flat on the SPL! NG-o-meter.

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A biography of artist Bob Ross

Bob Ross is a versatile painter and television anchor of America, was born in 1942, 29 October. Birthplace of Bob Daytona Beach, Florida. Prior to fame as a painter has a long career in the U.S. Air Force for about 20 years.

Your ad has been mainly in Alaska and for the care of medical services. Obtained after leaving the Army Air Service, the enormous fame in the world for his paintings and Televisionshows.

Bob Ross was an imposing figure who, like his paintings much more appealing to the viewers. With his afro and his connections, has the sweet voice, his popularity around the world to create.

He used to show a TV presenter to art production and the name of the show was the joy of painting, and is often regarded as the most popular among Americans.

In this exhibition, he used to teach viewers how the techniques of painting and the presentation wasimpressive enough, so that the public at the television screen. There were a number of young people who are in the habit of their violation Bob Ross method of television broadcasting, to have particular.

Have acquired some of the pictures, the immense fame and still remembered by the public "rather Mountains", "happy little trees" and "happy little clouds."

It "was hidden a staunch defender of the fact that everyone is an artist, when it may cause in the personinspired and duly informed. His shows have been dubbed into German and will be disseminated to the popularity with the public.

It "was a moderate success as a painter. In fact, he began painting when he was sent to Alaska. Discovered a unique technique of painting, which was hailed by art critics in the U.S..

This technique is known as wet on wet and shall be associated with a specific method of application of fresh paint on an existing lacquerquite different than traditional methods. He used to paint the darkest clouds and trees in the depth on the paper with 2 single beds or 1 inch brush.

But the most interesting Bob Ross is that he has trained to paint professional.

At the same time, Bob Ross has some critical comments by art critics and other artists had. After her short of his paintings in detail is an essential element of a good table. Theyalso say that Bob Ross paints a style that seems to contain artificial.

In fact, it is also embarrassing situations that you have created by experienced artists who protested against his traditional technique of modern painting. This great man died in 1995, suffering from lymphoma.

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552


Toys Review

Last year was a dried up year for me, because not much has been going on. I bought this DVD 2 days before Thanksgiving because I needed something to get me into the holiday spirit, and it worked and keeped me laughing from the scean where the head of Zevo toys dies to the end of the film. The film starts out when the Zevo toy company puts on a christmas ballet musical in the style of The Nutcracker with singing, the lead female singer sings this song in the production called toys at christmas which is a really great holiday song that should of got a grammy nomanee. Then theres the scean where the General(played by Michael Gambon who played Professor Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films) goes to viset his brother who is the head and founder of Zevo toys tells him that he is dying and wants him to take over Zevo toys because he thinks that his son Leslie (played by the funest and funnest actor in movie history Robin Willams) is not ready to take over Zevo toys, this shows that you can't always get what you want. The head of Zevo toys dies with his pace maker attached to his beeny with a propeller attached. So they give him a ride in the vicheal in the desighn of a toy amblunce. Then we go to the funeral scean where everyone is gathering around the casket. The Minster tells them that Kenneth was the child in all of them and goes on until they hear some kind of strange laughter coming from the casket. Leslie open the lide and pulles out this toy called the barral of laughter. He put the toy back in the casket. Owen tells Leslie that he should remove the batteries from the laughing barrel and back in the casket. Leslie tell him that the batteries will die in a couple of hours. Well the batteries don't die. As for the rest of the movie, you have to see it through the eyes of a child. Everything in the rest of the movie looks like toys, The toy making machines, Anastasia work cloths look like doll cloths, The house Leslie and Anastasia live in is a giant doll house, Leslie bed is in the shape of a rubber ducky, and Kennth Zevo tombstone is a giant elephant blowing bubbles with that laughing barrel still working and laughing. The general who now run the toy company now has the toys made into war toys. So its up to Leslie and Anastasia to to fight the battles of war toys. They even make a music video in the style of a Peter Gaberal and The Talking Heads. The question is can Leslie and Anastasia save the toy company? that you will have to find out when you watch this movie. This movie was kinda like if Willy Wonka decided to turn his beloved chocolate factory into a toy factory. This movie is also dated, because a new type of video game was invented for the movie and for Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio called Virurital reality. So don't wait for christmas morning to open presents and one of them to be this DVD. buy it now while you are starting to get into the christmas spirite.

Toys Overview

There are two reasons to see Toys: some phenomenal visual spectacle and the utterly adorable performance of Joan Cusack. The story: When the founder of the Zevo toy factory dies, he leaves it to his militaristic brother Leland (Michael Gambon) instead of to his whimsical son Leslie (Robin Williams). When Leland starts making war toys (and worse, actual weapons masquerading as toys), Leslie is forced to stop being capricious and take on some authority. Toys is supposedly about innocence and peace, but really it's director Barry Levinson's cry of anxiety about modern-day playthings, particularly video games--which is almost psychic of him, given how video games have started to devour the entertainment market. Fans of Williams will enjoy his performance; the visual design really is gorgeous; and Cusack, as Leslie's sister Alsatia, is so lovely she almost carries the film through its muddled themes. Almost. --Bret Fetzer

Toys Specifications

No Description Available.
Genre: Feature Film-Comedy
Rating: PG13
Release Date: 16-OCT-2007
Media Type: DVD

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 25, 2009 08:48:06

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Saw II (Full Screen Edition)

Saw II (Full Screen Edition) Review

This movie had a lot going for it. It also had a lot to live up to. It still had the feel and suspense of the first one. I wish they would have kept Jigsaw in the shadows more. Some of the suspense of the character was taken away from all of the screen time. This movie didn't have the individualized traps like the first one. The group had to take on the challenges together. It was still a good movie, but it didn't have the same amount of intensity the first one did. It tried to create it by using the nerve gas as a ticking time bomb, but the feel of this movie is just not up to the scope of the first one. I didn't care for Doonie Wahlberg's character. He seemed like a jerk, not as good of a character as Detective Tapp in the first one. There's no outside force on these characters like the first one. There is the nerve gas, but you never know how much time they have left. The characters aren't as developed, and they don't seem to grow as the movie unfolds. There are a few interesting traps, but they seem to hate each other instead of Jigsaw. The ending was a little predictable, unlike the first. The addition of the assistant is not my favorite, but it doesn't hurt this movie, it does hurt the movies that follow. Overall a nice sequel, unfortunately the movies will only decline from here.

Saw II (Full Screen Edition) Overview

A brilliant and disturbed mastermind places eight people in a horror-filled house where they must try to find a way out or die.
Genre: Horror
Rating: R
Release Date: 9-JAN-2007
Media Type: DVD

Saw II (Full Screen Edition) Specifications

Saw II brings back many features of the original Saw: elaborate sadistic scenarios designed to "test" the victims' will to live; Tobin Bell as the Machiavellian (yet doomed) serial killer Jigsaw; Shawnee Smith as Amanda, a survivor of one of Jigsaw's "games", forced to play again; Dina Meyer (Starship Troopers), whose role as a detective is considerably expanded; and the stunningly godawful dialogue of screenwriter Leigh Whannel. The set-up this time is even more preposterous than before, as a rough-and-tumble cop named Eric (Donnie Whalberg, Band of Brothers) watches, on video monitors, his son trapped in a house filled with nerve gas and a handful of other victims, all of whom are mysteriously connected. Eric has captured Jigsaw, but the implacable killer refuses to reveal where the cop's son is being held... unless Eric will play by Jigsaw's rules. Fans of Saw will love Saw II, as the tortures are more gruesome than before; viewers who found Saw either detestable or laughable won't like Saw II either, as the characters rarely behave like actual people (even when a moment's explanation would solve a conflict, no one bothers to communicate, even though their lives are on the line). It's a festival of body fluids, agonized grimaces, and shrieks of pain--and if that's your thing, this is your movie. --Bret Fetzer

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 24, 2009 08:39:06

วันพุธที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

From A Place Of Darkness [Blu-ray]

From A Place Of Darkness [Blu-ray] Review

From A Place Of Darkness [Blu-ray] Overview

Studio: Celebrity Video Distribut Release Date: 05/05/2009 Run time: 84 minutes

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 23, 2009 08:26:07

วันอังคารที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Two Orphan Vampires

Two Orphan Vampires Review

In many respects "Two Orphan Vampires" epitomizes the films of Jean Rollin. Its subject matter is Rollin's favorite: murderous but strangely vulnerable vampires. His protagonists are (as usual) two girls--possibly lesbian, certainly vampiric. Furthermore, the film's overall atmosphere, a disquieting blend of elegy and fairy tale, is typical of Rollin's work. Nevertheless, "Two Orphan Vampires" stands out as the great director's finest masterpiece--a poetic gem whose underlying theme is nothing less than the Imagination itself.
Though the film's predacious central characters, Henriette and Louise, are raised in a Catholic orphanage, thence removed to the Parisian mansion of their adoptive father--their actual home is within their own minds. Typically adolescent, the two girls share a secret fantasy world based largely on all the forbidden literature they can borrow or pilfer--fantastic picture books, penny dreadfuls, horrific chapbooks, etc. Absolutely Romantic, they allow their Gothic imagination to enter the real world in a quintessentially Gothic form: they practice vampirism.
Who can blame them? The normal world, as presented by Rollin, is unbearably dismal. Initially it is symbolized by the orphanage's monotony. At the film's close the world contracts to an indifferent, motionless swamp. Given these prospects, along with the apparent death or slumber of God(s), Henriette and Louise declare bloody war against the status quo. Vive L'Imagination! Rollin's idea, expressed through his heroines' actions, couldn't be clearer: "I think I am a vampire; therefore I am a vampire." (My apologies to Descartes.)
Naturally, Henriette and Louise lack a classical vampire's superhuman powers. Though they claim to have night-vision, they use a flashlight to read one of their fantastic books at night. Furthermore, one of their first victims (legendary Brigitte Lahaie) observes that even their vampiric fangs are fake! Their limitations notwithstanding, the two girls manage to bring down a number of victims, usually by well-coordinated surprise attacks. Of course, as their vampirism springs from their inner Romanticism, their relish for blood is quite excessive.
Unfortunately, as the young vampiresses' contempt for the all-too-human world becomes more pronounced, their attacks grow more audacious--which makes their defeat inevitable...
Perfectly cast as the film's title characters, Mlles. Alexandra Pic and Isabelle Teboul are a joy to behold. While each possesses a unique beauty, together they are downright sublime! Combining youthful playfulness with a true longing for adventure; infinitely tender toward each other, while despising everyone else as something akin to sacrificial cattle: Alexandra and Isabelle are at once wonderful and malefic--perfect emblems of Romantic Imagination! Thus they've earned a place among the greatest horror film girls--Ingrid Pitt and Soledad Miranda. And that comparison alone indicates that "Two Orphan Vampires" is as excellent a film as "The Vampire Lovers" or "Vampyros Lesbos"--classics of the genre.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 22, 2009 08:02:53

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

UFO: Target Earth

UFO: Target Earth Review

UFO: Target Earth Overview

Studio: Music Video Dist Release Date: 07/03/2007 Run time: 80 minutes

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 20, 2009 07:00:08

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Best Fisher Price Toys Fortress Dragon World Christmas

Fisher Price World Dragon Fortress recall, toys, children have an interest in the classic fantasy and magic. It is something of knights, wizards and dragons, is relentlessly compelling for children, and has been for many generations. This mythical ideas are centuries old, but they now feel as fresh as ever. The interest in toy fantasy even further back with the publication of the glorious film version of Peter Jackson's Lord ofRings, and since then it has many fantastic stories that other children were from one of these points are very pleased that the books of Harry Potter and Eragon and the film, for example.

Fisher Price is one of the most respected manufacturers of toys in the world, so you can be sure that with this toy, is the quality under the Christmas tree. Although not related to a movie or a good product, are proving very popular with children, loveRPG with dragons and knights, quests and magic.

The world of Dragon Fort Fisher Price toys are a wonderful idea for Christmas gifts for your young fans of fantasy and mythical creatures! These toys made with great prizes that manufacturers of toys, Fisher made the legendary sound and looks great. This superb collection includes sound effects, a dragon on his guard, characters, unlock the secrets of the castle and. This is a great gift for ChristmasBoy. Other articles in the field of Dragon Fortress World Index added Fisher-Price Imaginext six-legged dragon discover that the Great Fisher Price Imaginext fuzzy dragons and many other things.

Fortunately, the Dragon World Fisher Price Toys Rocca and playsets are easy to find online, though some stores are running their mission. The best practice is to consult a selection of reviews of toys on the Internet, to ensure that toys are appropriate for your children. They areFantastic toys for all young fantasy fans and the Dragon Fortress toys in the world are sure that their Christmas fantasies into reality.

วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What makes a good fantasy story

I immediately thought of diving in some opinions, what makes a good fantasy story. I admit I read most of the romantic imagination, but I know what makes a good story, if I have a read.

Research: an imaginary world is very complicated. Doing research is important. Create a complex fantasy fund is for the reader in the creation of vital importance, even if the reader does not "see" your world. Need to know where your charactersgoing to do and who is responsible.

As a reader, I will always be the "real world" hypothesis. So if you have normalized your imagination, or a gravity field that can be connected to the land, you must describe in detail. Do not give your readers a whole list of details, descriptions and basic information on how you should supplement your readers. Please note that your reader is blind until you find the pieces of the puzzle for Visual contactthem.

Ordinary Objects: Besides the fun of writing is fantasy to ordinary objects can do extraordinary things. The baton has been taken ... and the fact ... and ready. As a writer, you can most ordinary objects are different qualities generally associated with this object, for example a candle, which works like a key or a sword, are not reduced, but acts like a compass. The possibilities are endless!

Twist stretch the imagination, the ordinary into somethingamazing. For me, nothing is more interesting to read fantasy gadget world and how they work! I want to eat them that the dust. Intrigue your readers off the beaten path and give them the fascinating elements.

Characters: The characters best thing I have read in the fantasy of the qualities of man. Although it is fun for the characters of interest, the physical properties, the best stories show charactersclassic struggle of human weakness and strength. The struggles that readers face in their lives. Emotions more your reader can your work is better.

Stephen R. Donaldson, in the series of Thomas Covenant, the main character attributes were low. In our world, he is divorced, reclusive writer and a leper. Companies can be avoided. Then a police car hit him and wakes up in a different world. There, in a fantasy world, is seen as the reincarnation AllianceHalfhand by Berek, including wedding white gold is a sign of power. The first person he meets Lena, heals his wounds with hurtloam. The sudden, after he lost control of himself and rapes Lena Thomas. With the help of a giant my favorite character) Salt Heart Foamfollower (and after an encounter with the evil Lord Foul, reaches Alliance Revel Stone and bears the name of ur-Lord by the government. He learned about Cavewrights foul (characters much more interesting) is a powerfulThe staff of the law.

Covenant travel fantasy world back in the real world, have passed when only a few hours. For a month in the real world, and when they faded back into the Covenant world of fantasy, have passed forty. Series, describes itself as an alliance of non-believers. He feels that he does believe against their will, he has the power and could not believe that it can help, is not proved.

This is the main character? I despised him. I thoughtIt was so low. What a loser. C'mon! Do something! It was not what I expected a normal hero. The point is, as a reader, I have taken part. I knew what the new world, I knew they were the characters and wanted to know what happened afterwards. These are the things that make a success story. I do not want to end, but for those who have not read the series, I recommend.

Finally, if you write fantasy novels, think about the ordinaryYou stretch your imagination and talent to its limits. I expect to read and enjoy your stories.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552


Tribulation Review

Is an Excellent movie.
Watching this movie is an eye opener for what's to come
to all the non believers.
If you have any serious doubt about what is gonna happen
(IF YOU BELIEVE) after the Rapture (God taking away the believers)
then watch this movie
And you will not have any reason not to believe.

Tribulation Overview

Studio: E1 Entertainment Release Date: 04/29/2008 Run time: 105 minutes Rating: Pg13

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 17, 2009 05:54:14

วันพุธที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Saw II - Unrated (Two-Disc Special Edition)

Saw II - Unrated (Two-Disc Special Edition) Review

This movie had a lot going for it. It also had a lot to live up to. It still had the feel and suspense of the first one. I wish they would have kept Jigsaw in the shadows more. Some of the suspense of the character was taken away from all of the screen time. This movie didn't have the individualized traps like the first one. The group had to take on the challenges together. It was still a good movie, but it didn't have the same amount of intensity the first one did. It tried to create it by using the nerve gas as a ticking time bomb, but the feel of this movie is just not up to the scope of the first one. I didn't care for Doonie Wahlberg's character. He seemed like a jerk, not as good of a character as Detective Tapp in the first one. There's no outside force on these characters like the first one. There is the nerve gas, but you never know how much time they have left. The characters aren't as developed, and they don't seem to grow as the movie unfolds. There are a few interesting traps, but they seem to hate each other instead of Jigsaw. The ending was a little predictable, unlike the first. The addition of the assistant is not my favorite, but it doesn't hurt this movie, it does hurt the movies that follow. Overall a nice sequel, unfortunately the movies will only decline from here.

Saw II - Unrated (Two-Disc Special Edition) Overview

No Description Available.
Genre: Horror
Rating: R
Release Date: 7-AUG-2007
Media Type: DVD

Saw II - Unrated (Two-Disc Special Edition) Specifications

Saw II brings back many features of the original Saw: elaborate sadistic scenarios designed to "test" the victims' will to live; Tobin Bell as the Machiavellian (yet doomed) serial killer Jigsaw; Shawnee Smith as Amanda, a survivor of one of Jigsaw's "games", forced to play again; Dina Meyer (Starship Troopers), whose role as a detective is considerably expanded; and the stunningly godawful dialogue of screenwriter Leigh Whannel. The set-up this time is even more preposterous than before, as a rough-and-tumble cop named Eric (Donnie Whalberg, Band of Brothers) watches, on video monitors, his son trapped in a house filled with nerve gas and a handful of other victims, all of whom are mysteriously connected. Eric has captured Jigsaw, but the implacable killer refuses to reveal where the cop's son is being held... unless Eric will play by Jigsaw's rules. Fans of Saw will love Saw II, as the tortures are more gruesome than before; viewers who found Saw either detestable or laughable won't like Saw II either, as the characters rarely behave like actual people (even when a moment's explanation would solve a conflict, no one bothers to communicate, even though their lives are on the line). It's a festival of body fluids, agonized grimaces, and shrieks of pain--and if that's your thing, this is your movie. --Bret Fetzer

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 16, 2009 05:31:15

วันอังคารที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Friday the 13th - From Crystal Lake to Manhattan (Ultimate Edition DVD Collection)

Friday the 13th - From Crystal Lake to Manhattan (Ultimate Edition DVD Collection) Review

More than half of these movies I first saw at a local drive-in movie theater when me and some friends got small cans of margarita mix, some snacks, and had a blast laughing most of the time. Now I dont have to leave the house, and I still laugh. Who needs boring talk and endless extras when this movie set cuts (CUTS??) to the chase with the main arena in a long line of typical laughable folk in absolute harms way. This movie line cannot be too bad when the first movie presents the beginning of the terror with the realization that it is the mother who actually started it all, and the rest to follow is nothing more than a series of a grotesque on revenge for his mother's assasination. Though I basicallly gave up drinking (and what not), this great easy to put on the tube discs run the gamut of what made me tick in the drive-in movie 80s, and well worth the fondest of memories. Now wasnt that sentimental, AWWWwwwwww. Slash!!!!!

Friday the 13th - From Crystal Lake to Manhattan (Ultimate Edition DVD Collection) Overview

A collection of the first eight feature films about a diabolical killer who wears a hockey mask.
Genre: Horror
Rating: UN
Release Date: 8-AUG-2006
Media Type: DVD

Friday the 13th - From Crystal Lake to Manhattan (Ultimate Edition DVD Collection) Specifications

Five discs gather the first eight movies in the Friday the 13th series, plus a batch of behind-the-scenes featurettes. You can track the rise, fall, and endless resurrections of Jason Voorhees, from the original 1980 film to Jason's self-kidding trip to the Big Apple. Horror fans eat up packages such as this, but there's something odd about the deluxe treatment for a series that spotlighted atrocious acting, pitiful production values, and inane storytelling.

You'll spot a few future "name" actors in various installments: Kevin Bacon is morbidly dispatched in the first one. But in general, the dominant focus is how to kill horny teenagers, most of whom have gathered at Camp Crystal Lake in the misguided belief that the curse of the impossible-to-kill Jason has worn off. The first movie has a certain raw, crummy ability to shock, Part 2 is a dismal retread, and Part 3 actually features interesting use of 3-D, which doesn't translate to its flat DVD version. The fourth is boldly subtitled The Final Chapter, and we all know where that went, but it does have Crispin Glover doing a funky dance. A New Beginning and Jason Lives continue Jason's bad mood, maybe because the hockey mask doesn't fit right. The seventh chapter, The New Blood, stakes Jason against a worthy opponent (Crystal Lake's answer to telekinetic Carrie), but the result is the same. Part 8's subtitle, Jason Takes Manhattan, is wittier than the movie itself, as Jason menaces an unlucky cruise ship of high-schoolers bound for New York--where Mr. J fits right in.

Some of the films come with commentaries from directors or cast members, including heralded Jason performer Kane Hodder. Brief documentaries (ranging from five to 15 minutes) cover separate installments with amusing anecdotes, including interviews with Sean S. Cunningham, Tom Savini, and various actors. In another doc, actors speak of the fraternity of young actors who've been slaughtered by Jason over the years. A deleted-scenes section is skimpy and not very interesting, while the tricks of special-effects gore merit a film to themselves. It's a customer-savvy DVD box, even if the effect of watching a bunch of this stuff together is a little dispiriting. --Robert Horton

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 15, 2009 05:15:06

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Batman - The Movie

Batman - The Movie Review

I saw this movie when it first came out in theatres. This movie never ceases to amaze me. Although the TV series was intended for youths, it did very well in the ratings amoungst adults - including myself ater it went into sydnication. I bought this DVD a few weeks ago and I still laugh at this campy movie. The DVD includes an additional track on the movie that a person can turn on that has Adam West and Burt Ward doing an audio commentary. Although I am much older now I still laugh at the silliness of this movie. Is there anything that Batman does not carry in his utility belt. And shark repellant (and other unlikely sprays) in a helicopter? There's something you don't see every day but I strong recommend seeing this movie.

Batman - The Movie Overview

Holy camp site, Batman! After a fabulously successful season on TV, the campy comic book adventure hit the big screen, complete with painful puns, outrageous supervillains, and fights punctuated with word balloons sporting such onomatopoeic syllables as "Pow!," "Thud!," and "Blammo!" Adam West's wooden Batman is the cowled vigilante alter ego of straight-arrow millionaire Bruce Wayne and Bruce Ward's Robin (a.k.a. Dick Grayson, Bruce's young collegiate protégé) his overeager sidekick in hot pants. Together they battle an unholy alliance of Gotham City's greatest criminals: the Joker (Cesar Romero, whooping up a storm), the Riddler (giggling Frank Gorshin), the Penguin (cackling Burgess Meredith), and the purr-fectly sexy Catwoman (Lee Meriwether slinking in a skin-tight black bodysuit). The criminals are, naturally, out to conquer the world, but with a little help from their unending supply of utility belt devices (bat shark repellent, anyone?), our dynamic duo thwarts their nefarious plans at every turn. Since the TV show ran under 30 minutes an episode (with commercials), the 105-minute film runs a little thin--a little camp goes a long way--but fans of the small-screen show will enjoy the spoofing tone throughout. Leslie H. Martinson directs Lorenzo Semple's screenplay like a big-budget TV episode minus the cliffhanger endings. --Sean Axmaker

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 14, 2009 05:13:06

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Night Stalker/The Night Strangler (Double Feature)

The Night Stalker/The Night Strangler (Double Feature) Review

for those too young to know or remember , take our word for it . others here will go into much greater detail about these wonderful (made for television) films . both of and for 1970's tv . in my late forties , these films still captivate me and creep me out . this relentless and admittedly cliched reporter stereotype was and remains a superb guide into things dark and haunting . thanks to its' lead actor and much better than average telefilm writing and directing , these films are timelessly scary . the series that followed was adequate at best . these two films , however , are must owns for true fright enthusiasts . if i can help persuade a few folks-on-the-fence to aquire this set , that would definitely be a good thing .

The Night Stalker/The Night Strangler (Double Feature) Overview

The Night Stalker
Wisecracking Carl Kolchak (Darren McGavin) is a rumpled news hound plucked from the fast-talking newspaper flicks of the 1940s and dropped into the swinging '70s. What makes the eccentric Kolchak even more unique, however, is his nose for the supernatural, a trait that leaves his editor (Simon Oakland) exasperated and the police less than amused. When he insists that a late-night Las Vegas serial killer (who leaves his victims drained of blood and sporting twin holes in the neck) is a modern-day vampire, he's practically run out of town by the local authorities. Naturally, he stalks the vampire himself, an unlikely Van Helsing armed with a silver cross, a wooden stake, and his ever-present tape recorder and flashbulb camera. Carol Lynley is his understanding girlfriend, and Ralph Meeker, Claude Akins, Kent Smith, and Charles McGraw costar as the Vegas cops and politicians Kolchak systematically alienates with his abrasive charm and smart mouth. Directed by Dan Curtis from a witty script by Richard Matheson, the quirky mix of horror and humor turned The Night Stalker into a ratings sensation that inspired a sequel (The Night Strangler) and a short-lived TV series (Kolchak: The Night Stalker). The X-Files creator Chris Carter acknowledges the show as a major inspiration, and has cast McGavin in a recurring role as a retired X-Files veteran with an acerbic personality and a familiar rumpled wardrobe. Kolchak lives! --Sean Axmaker

The Night Strangler
The Night Strangler finds down-on-his-luck investigator Carl Kolchak in Seattle, hot on the trail of a serial killer hiding in the underground city beneath the streets, a gas-lit fantasy world frozen in time (L.A.'s famous Bradbury Building--which has also appeared in Blade Runner and DOA--becomes the spooky city's architectural centerpiece). Exotic dancer and medical student Jo Ann Pflug tags along as partner and bait, and the exasperated Simon Oakland returns as Kolchak's harried editor. Genre fans will enjoy the appearances of popular character actors John Carradine, Margaret Hamilton, Wally Cox, and Al Lewis. Noted horror and science fiction author Richard Matheson scripted this meandering, low-key thriller with plenty of humor, which McGavin delivers with deadpan delight. --Sean Axmaker

The Night Stalker/The Night Strangler (Double Feature) Specifications

Studio: Tcfhe/mgm Release Date: 09/11/2007 Run time: 164 minutes Rating: Nr

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 13, 2009 05:20:08

Prince Caspian - Movie Review


From the second book of CS Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia Drawn takes Prince Caspian, where The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe stops. It "was one years ago, since the four Pevensie siblings Peter (William Moseley), Susan (Anna Popplewell), Edmund (Skandar Keynes) and Lucy (Georgie Henley) return to the magical world of Narnia, where mythical creatures exist and that the Animals can speak, even if they did not smoke.

But a year is an expression of1300 to Narnia.

And since the Pevensie children back to London, Narnia is under attack and the Telmarines, who conquered the whole world seems left after a concert by Metallica. Under the evil King Miraz (Sergio Castellitto) who tried to Telmarines (on the Narnians like many Metallica fans) extirpate, pushed her into the woods, where they live underground.

When the Queen of Miraz (Alicia Borrachero) birth of a male heir, Miraz tries in vainto kill his nephew Prince Caspian (Ben Barnes), heir to the throne of the Telmarines. Caspian grew the noble and peaceful culture of Narnia know, and his sympathy with their ways, is forced to flee. He flees into the forest and brings a rag-tag group of Narnia. And when you call for help, he unwittingly takes the four Pevensie siblings, ruled like a wise king and queen, returns to his magical world.

With the closure of the Grand Army Telmarines, the PevensieChildren and Prince Caspian must find a way to defeat King Miraz and restore peace and order in Narnia. As soon as we return to the wisdom of the great lions must be based Aslan (voiced by Liam Neeson). Aslan has not seen for centuries, but Lucy, the youngest of the Pevensie children, still believes in him, and claims that he had discovered how to return them. Her childhood faith the key to their rescue, or better Narnians Take matters into your ownHands / feet / shoes?

The good:

Pretty faithful to the novel by CS Lewis, Prince Caspian is a well-structured, the adventure film, very imaginative, and appealing to adults and children. The film will not speak for the children and the special effects are very well done. Receive a majority of Christian symbolism and theological philosophy of the work of Lewis' stay and are effectively woven into the narrative.

Just to see the film and its action against the publicThe Lord of the Rings, which can be beneficial to see how JRR Tolkien was a close friend of Lewis and mentor.

The characters are very funny, and the animals certainly can speak to children appeal. Especially attractive are brave mouse Reepicheep (Eddie Izzard spoken of) and the rate truffle hunter (voice of Ken Stott). They are also cute, animals have a sense of dignity and purpose in their history. They are not meant to be just stupid, this is aRelief.

The film was also very strong, positive messages about the importance of faith, loyalty and courage, to prove to be relevant and useful to viewers of all ages.


Although it is marketed as a family film, there is a surprising amount of violence in this film might be too strong for small children. For example, you may raise an eyebrow at the sight of a sweet, sword-wielding mouse, the throat of a man.

Sure, there is nothingdisturbing (your child might almost think it's funny), but there is a similar amount of shock you feel when you shoot Bugs Bunny Yosemite Sam, lying with his own weapon, then the fun just end there with Yosemite Sam on the ground grow without.

Who wants this film:

With action and adventure enough for a wide range of fans of the fantasy accommodate film, Prince Caspian will be particularly useful for devout Christians. Many entries are positiveChildren, but also other references are more profound theological and thin to the point where you can take a long time to absorb even for adults.

And finally, the film encourages us to get the image of our childhood, as Lewis says he can see the possibilities, hope and answers in a dark world and seemingly hopeless.

(3 and 1 / 2 of 4)

วันเสาร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Movie gift, you win an Academy Award

Some people like to see a good movie from time to time. Well, there's a certain kind of film Don hours of entertainment, the staff has selected for this volume. It also offers a lot of sweet and savory and crunchable devour.

So what is this gift can make a masterpiece of cinema in a house? The perfect gift for those who have a passion for cinema, an appeal ... and salty snacks?

The answer is a film set. They contain all the essential elements of a genuine passion for the film you will find interesting. Consider first the brighter side of this gift, give us the creative idea.

Most of the films of gift baskets with a Blockbuster gift card to the lucky recipient is exactly what suits her fantasy movie. So is entertainment suitable for anyone in any way. You know what that means?

This means> Film can present hours everyone in the novel is soft ... or side splitting comedy ... or a high-action scene ... or any other kind of film that moves emotions. Getting there now would be perfectly suited to capture the unique character of a man.

But this is an advantage for the pleasant surprise of the recipient. There is also another aspect to get a beautiful gift basket movie, which I really like the taste. What are the additives that make someThis premium movie so wonderfully attractive gift?

This presentation also contains many imaginative Munch transport as found in traditional film. Like what? Now many popcorn, cookies, Cracker Jacks have, peanuts and candy. Some have also included two bottles of soda-pop classics as well. It is all the good things that make the experience that pays more!

Now is not the gift card blockbuster and all these features tasty for a reasonenter to a friend or family member for any occasion? Absolutely! But there is an additional incentive for a buyer to place a movie. And it is a gift from a person breeze tasks.

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And these sites have movie gift baskets sent anywhere in the continental United States - and not only! Why not the technology on the shoulder to make your life easier?

Then there is the idea that the imagination is kept by a man to tease your taste buds, and is extremely easy to shop for. Perhaps it is time to take advantage of this strategy and to win an Oscar in the heart of someone for the inspirationGifts of ingenuity and engineering.

With herbs in Fantasy Writing

In the Middle Ages in Europe, China or elsewhere, the most common drugs came in the form of herbs. Although it is probably at the moment does not always up to modern research. A botanist is a professional training in phytotherapy (the use of herbs). A midwife, a woman who cares for pregnant women from the prenatal period until birth, which often herbs in their profession. A pharmacist is someone who prepares and sells drugs and medications, similar to a modern societyPharmacist.

Medieval Folklore vs. current research

Folk Lore surrounding grass. Angelica Fennel and Basil had to protect against witches, and the garlic would naturally keep away werewolves and vampires. In some cultures, the basil is associated with scorpions, they feared that the Scorpions can grow in pots of basil and cause odor actually cause scorpions to grow in his head. However, in Italy, suitors signaled their love in court with a bunch of basil intheir hair.

Sage has been as the panacea of the Middle Ages, believed to cure everything from a snake bite with mental illness. To be done in truth and not allow all the problems, but it has many positive attributes. Help reduce excessive sweating, digestive problems, sore throats, premenstrual cramps, and hyperglycemia. It also helps the depletion of neurotransmitters in the brain is necessary for the functioning of the brain is crucial and can be used in combination with ginkgo, biloba and rosemary helpslow or prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Fantasy purposes

In your own universe, you can choose to take herbs available, or create your own use. I prefer a mixture. I will be together herbs which to use in many cases, but then a place where I can find something that the property that I need. You can inspire the established folklore, use or test drive with the property. Most importantly, at least in a medieval fantasy world, or in common is that patients with the treatment of faithTreatment when medical treatment is healthy.

If you herbs, real or invented, you should take note of where the plant grows, as it seems, and their healing properties. I have a table with the herbs, which in my book, and her descriptive notes. There are many herbal guides in both book form and online. The search for "herbs" comes with a very long list. If you are the realistic approach, you want the documents for on-line to viewensure that there is a role player or a list of herbs in her writers created worlds.


When considering herbal remedies, is the first thing that comes to mind of herbal tea. But there are many different treatments for plants and other drugs. The following definitions have been killed from their entries on Wikipedia.

An ointment is prepared, semi-viscous solids used topically on a variety of body surfaces. An ointment may or not be treated too. The

A plasteris fresh, soft, passionate and often for medical, which grows on the skin tissue for the treatment of pain, burning or painful area. Poultice should not be used normally to open wounds, as you slow down the healing process or cause an infection.

A tea, herbal tea, herbal teas or herbal is not a fact, from the leaves of the tea plant. (Variety "real" tea black tea, oolong tea, green, yellow and white). Herbal teas can be taken fresh or dried flowers,Leaves, seeds and roots, generally by pouring boiling water over the plant parts and they let him go for a few minutes. Seeds and roots can be cooked on a stove. The tea is then charged, sweetened, if desired, and serve.

A project is an oral drug or poison. As a rule, in connection with the magic.

A tincture is an alcoholic extract (eg grass) or a solution of a substance is not volatile.

The infusion is a method for producing medicines, where 1-2 teaspoons dried plantor 2-4 fresh herbs (flowers and berries are interchangeable) "penetrated" or placed in oil or boiling water, then after ten minutes, is strained. Forced to wait too long, add the results to the bitter herbs. The herb / botanical is then removed from the oil and the oil is used in many formulas, the oils that require short-term infusion.

If you can help the descriptions of herbs, the following words from a repertoire of plant:

Antiseptic: This herb combats andneutralizes pathogenic bacteria and prevents infection

Astringent: This herb is not subject to their application, for example: a check that hemorrhages or secretions by coagulation of proteins on a soft surface

Hemostatic: This herb Stop The Bleeding

Parasite: This herb kills parasites and worms

Tonic: This herb restores, nourishes and supports the entire body, exerts a slight strengthening effect on the body

Effective use of herbs in the fiction iswant to do your own research to decide what color your purposes. Even with a world in which all the herbs of your creation, it would make sense for you to deal with the conditions I have mentioned familiarize.

วันศุกร์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Polar Express Presented in 3-D [Blu-ray]

The Polar Express Presented in 3-D [Blu-ray] Review

this is a great holiday movie, beautiful animation, color and detail. the 3D feautre is not that great, when you put the 3D glasses on, that are supplied with the dvd, the perception of images is not good at all, you can see red and green glow around the images, even with the curtains closed and lights dimmed in the room. I think it looks more 3D and realistic while watching the 2D version. Over all great movie, but do not bother with the 3D.

The Polar Express Presented in 3-D [Blu-ray] Feature

  • All aboard in 3-D! No matter if you enjoy The Polar Express every holiday or if you re a first-time passenger, get ready for a thrilling new adventure: Three-dimension viewing from careening up and down mountains to teetering across mile-high bridges to savoring hot chocolate served up by the world s most talented singing waiters to arriving at the North Pole on Christmas Eve. Experience an amazin

The Polar Express Presented in 3-D [Blu-ray] Overview

Destined to become a holiday perennial, The Polar Express also heralded a brave new world of all-digital filmmaking. Critics and audiences were divided between those who hailed it as an instant classic that captures the visual splendor and evocative innocence of Chris Van Allsburg's popular children's book, and those who felt that the innovative use of "performance capture"--to accurately translate live performances into all-digital characters--was an eerie and not-quite-lifelike distraction from the story's epic-scale North Pole adventure. In any case it's a benign, kind-hearted celebration of the yuletide spirit, especially for kids who have almost grown out of their need to believe in Santa Claus. Tom Hanks is the nominal "star" who performs five different computer-generated characters, but it's the visuals that steal this show, as director Robert Zemeckis indulges his tireless pursuit of technological innovation. No matter how you respond to the many wonders on display, it's clear that The Polar Express represents a significant milestone in the digital revolution of cinema. If it also fills you with the joy of Christmas (in spite of its Nuremberg-like rally of frantic elves), so much the better. --Jeff Shannon

The Polar Express Presented in 3-D [Blu-ray] Specifications

Studio: Warner Home Video Release Date: 10/28/2008 Rating: G

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 11, 2009 04:59:21

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Writing Fantasy - A creative approach to the construction world

Before your fantasy world you live in the minds of your readers, you need to recover before the start in your mind. It must be tangible and real. And you must see before you expect to see your readers. So how do you do? I have three proposed methods to bring your vision of a world to life.

Draw maps of your world

If you have a lot of ways medieval fantasy epic you've ever read on the cards, which saw many of themBooks. They are an excellent addition to writing. Bring a visual reality that the world in the novel and not in second place after the novel. They are a valuable part of the experience of reading a novel.

The cards are not just for the drive, though. You can play a useful role for you, as a writer. The chances are good that your main character or main characters travel around the world that you need to be created. What are the rivers? How far apart are the cities?What are the main features of the landscape? There are the mountains? How long does it take to move your character from one place in the world in a different place in the world. A good map can answer all these questions.

Too often, the cards are almost playing a supporting role. The story is written, then the card is designed to fit the story. You should put this approach on its head and drag the maps early stages of the writing process.

A map or series of cards, you can base your story in a wayReality. It can also stimulate new ideas in the story. The visual representation of a card can be new ideas. If the missing card. How do you feel to a natural lake at the foot of a mountain? Drag and see if it brings a new chapter in its history. There are two rivers? What was the meeting place? It is a city? Perhaps there is a dark forest. Perhaps these new features of the country have a role in your story.

The cards are something that the readerfrequently refers. A map is a premium of a novel, and every time there is a map in a novel, I read the pages of the card is very clouded. He brings a different part of the brain drive in history. Do not forget the cards and is not stored as an accessory. You can use to realize their full potential. Even if you do not have much skill with drawing, the card can be good enough to be used effectively in the final print. This map is the most difficult to watch as they pulled the hand thatbetter accompaniment to a great story.

Rendering of 3D scenes and dioramas for your world

I am a manufacturer of diorama. I like to create the scenes with wizards, barbarians, and all kinds of evil creatures. When I wrote my first novel, I have an ambitious project to create a table diorama of a particular region of the world that I am already. It is a project under which a specially designed table, seven meters long and four meters wide and has taken a long time to build, butThe reward for this project was too big. In a real configuration of a scene in the novel allowed me to live, give the novel. I saw the earth and move like the characters. I could imagine the time and plant species. Made it much easier for me to move into the soul of my readers. You have a project not as ambitious as I am, you can only make a small scene, but this type of structure in the world in a visual sense adds a sense of depthwriting.

Create a video game that you can run in the

Sounds like a lot of work and a couple of years, this was not an option for an amateur, but now the technology and tools exist that you can actually create an amazing world within hours. There are many free resources for you to internal and external worlds, without allowing for a penny. You need only invest a little time. The technology has to come to the point whereis almost plug and play. Let me give you an example. You can draw a tool for building the world in one city. You will receive a certain size, topography and buildings there, then add all types of prefabricated extras. In a weekend you can get a complete little world that you can actually use, already a sign to go into your world.

There are two key advantages of making efforts to do so. First, we can build a pseudo-realistic interpretation of an area of yourHistory and can help you see better. And that means a better display you describe your best players. But secondly, and above all, the process of creating this world in a different medium of paper and pencil to take your imagination and creativity to a new level. As you build your world, you will see a new path. This will provide new ideas, ideas that you never thought of a simple word processor.

I worked with severalSoftware suite to create different worlds and is a new platform game Kaneva. I have not yet used, but it seems very interesting and very friendly. If you use this platform to create a world, you can also invite other people to come and study with you. It's not that something? You can tell them that the world is, the novel is set in.

Fantasy epic and writing, in its essence a form of visual art. But too often we haveWriters usually more is too much emphasis in action, or social interaction in the story. You should never forget that the story in a world that you created is terminated. And this world is the land on which is attached to the whole story. It must be understood as a rock solid and clear from you. It must be clearly expressed in your reader. Construct a physical representation of the created world, brings a new level and helps you to express your sense ofReality to your reader.

วันพุธที่ 9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Everything I need to know I learned from movies

Well, I gathered some bits of family and school, but the film finally finished all the points they missed. Films can be collected, entertain and inspire in particular. Here is a list of movies that made me think (for other things is: "Why should I pay $ 10.00 to see this film?")

10. The Adventures of Baron Münchhausen

This, in my opinion the best of many good films directed by Terry Gilliam. Gilliam's adaptation of the fantastic stories in heightRegions most popular heroes life is a quick burst of color and imagination with some "patience for realism. Baron Münchhausen is a real person, even if the story was probably less injuries in physics. This movie teaches us that when science can the world to describe only our imagination can be effectively permit. Das and Uma Thurman has a fantastic Venus, the goddess of love.

9. Bladerunner

She also grew up thinking of science-fictionAction movies? Try this dark film, the modern cyberpunk fiction, gave his distinctive color palette. Blade Runner is very cinematic adaptation of Philip K. Dick thematic 's sci-fi psychological thriller "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep". A budget for the big screen and big names like Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer makes these popular films, while exploring in depth to the question of identity and humanity, a film that changes the viewersforever.

8. Star Wars

OK, so this video franchising was fatally trivialize over-hype on the point that it easily. And maybe the last three films have not met the expectations of fans. But this epic space fantasy of a war against the evil empire in a distant galaxy is actually a window into the mind of George Lucas, and there's not much to see there. The underlying philosophy is a blend of Eastern and Western religionsand mythology, with a good dose of Carl Jung, for good measure.

7. Alien

Not all of the inspiration is loose and airy. Some movies can be examined in depth in the wrong place. Science-fiction classic horror film "Alien" was more than we have the Monster HR Giger designs not yet in a position to fulfill a healthy mind. They further reflect on what we fear. Alien is a study of some of the most primitive fears of mankind: the solitude, darkness, spiders, and distrust. Few horrorFilms have the same kind of concentrated attention that he had not.

6. Schindler's List

Do not work This controversial film about the German industrialists in Nazi Germany to save the lives of prisoners of concentration camps have shown us that Steven Spielberg can do more than science fiction. He was criticized for being too sentimental, but everything he does, says the public that, regardless of the social climate, some people will always fight to protect weak.

5. Forest Gump

Tom Hanks performance as the last mass walk at Forest Gump is a funny but biting commentary in the second half of the twentieth century. Forest involuntary involvement in the events of recent history, inspired in many ways, but more importantly, that while the governments and celebrities come and go, people are what is important.

4. Unbreakable

To say too much about this> Film would be an injustice to the readers who have not yet tried. This is an issue for all films directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It is enough to be this dark exploration of heroism and evil, good and bad touches a chord in all of us who always wanted to say, in order to be able to the only person who could make a difference together show that we have the person are.

3. The Matrix

This is a franchise that has blown exceeded the hypeDepartment. However, the first movie of one of the most incredible shots in film history, yet unbelievably, was that the rotation is not the end of the film, but at the beginning. Reality distortion of nature, this film teaches us two things. First of all matter. Second, is controlled, under certain circumstances, under the conditions that Keanu Reeves can actually act.

2. Saving Private Ryan

This film is one of thebest examples of the ongoing developments in the war films, a move directly from the battle of former glory fictional movie eras. Bringing these dark and bloody history of a mission home soldier accurate battlefields of World War II Europe can be a hard lesson: that war, however necessary it may be sometimes, it's always ugly.

1. Apollo 13

As Tom Hanks / Steven Spielberg, the film can contain a single list? Obviously, a more. Thishistorical film about the failure and near-disastrous Apollo 13 moon shot has moments of incredible courage and ingenuity of man, made even more impressive, what has actually taken place. What can we learn from this film is that regardless of the seriousness of the situation, you can be harmed by, until you.

วันอังคารที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The best science fiction books of all time

When it comes to what is best read science fiction books to choose, there is a great choice. In fact, a quick search online and you will quickly discover that each of us has different opinions about some of the books would be the best SCI FI.

In this article we examine some of them seem to be very popular with most lists of the best science fiction book today.

1. HG Wells - The Time Machine

This book, the first waswas published in 1895, has stood the test of time and is the oldest of all books of fiction, are displayed here. E 'was HG Wells, the term "shaped time machine" and made us think it might be possible in future to travel back and forth in time.

2. Arthur C. Clarke - 2001 A Space Odyssey

Not only the author of this book by one of the best of science fiction writers known, is one of the largest. In contrast to this bookmany others have been developed in collaboration with the making of the film by Stanley Kubrick. The only book published after the film won 's output, and is still one of the most famous of all science fiction books available now.

3. Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The best of all books of fiction in this article is one of the most famous comedians of them. With its main character, Arthur Dent is a sinare a variety of other characters that really make this book to life. Your journey through the galaxy after the destruction of the earth are amazing and all in the hope of what the problem is the final answer.

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552


Samson Review

This is available from Sinister Cinema in a nice quality WIDESCREEN print.
this print Amazon are selling is poor.
You know where to go.

Samson Overview

Studio: Gotham (dba Alpha) Release Date: 07/27/2004

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 07, 2009 03:42:28

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Science Fiction and Fantasy for Young Readers - Part Eleven - Creating Character

In science fiction and fantasy literature for children, the signs of lead should be someone the reader can easily identify, even if they live fabulous adventure. Likewise, the voices of the characters must appear to support realistic, too. You can grotesque monsters, mythological animals, aliens with two heads and seven arms, robots and androids, but even if they are human beings, nor depth, like the characters they play more of a role in volatilestory. Well-crafted characters, in whatever setting they may appear, are rarely forgotten and always remain popular with readers.

Of course, some basic characters types are very familiar to us, such as the evil witch or magician, the reluctant hero, the exiled prince or princess, the wise advisor, the noble king, the loyal lieutenant, the evil counselor, the forgetful scientist with his wonderful inventions, and many more. However, the inhabitants of your imaginary world shouldn't be mere certified true copies of those that appear frequently in the past. It should also be made to mere doubling of characters and personalities who have recently been crowned with success, as Harry Potter, for example. A major challenge for science-fiction author for children and wonderful as it is for those who are sure to write for children and adults, that their characters are so much more empty and hollow cardboard cutouts make up 'to really come alive for the reader. This cancertainly seems to be very problematic if the person even more people. However, they still seem as real as any other person who ever created for a work of fiction, whether children or adults. You need a personality, the issues on which we can identify and sympathize with, likes and dislikes, mannerisms, hobbies and so on, which makes them unique as individuals, even if they do not even serve people.

วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Spiderman 3 - Your Friendly Neighborhood Blockbuster

In 1962, a young artist, Stan Lee, had the idea of a new comic book superhero. At a time when most of our superheroes were muscle adults, young Peter Parker struck an unlikely figure.

A young person - a pimple, lanky teen-sighted would expect that the last child chosen for sports - Peter Parker was no typical hero. However, its shortcomings struck a chord with the audience of comics, who live in these difficult times, intimidated dreamed of waking up one morning with the power to stop them, a difference that someone - who - contrary to nerd than the boys looked in the mirror.

Although it rejected by Marvel Comics, Stan Lee has continued to sell the idea of Spiderman, and was compiled from the fight for the title "Amazing Fantasy" - and the rest is history. In recent years, "The Amazing Spiderman" was a public comic.

Flash forty years before the release of Spiderman> Movie. 2000 Following the successful adaptation of another superhero, the first X-Men movie, the expectations were high for the first out on the big screen Spidey's. Not to disappoint, Spiderman was held the first film in history to 100 million U.S. dollars its opening weekend, the film has never refused a film Star Wars: first place at the box office.

The second installment of the Spiderman series is equally good, with $ 88million in its opening weekend and Developmenta record for the highest revenue for a day of the opening of more than $ 40 million. When profits and huge critical acclaim was not enough, Spiderman 2 and won the Oscar for visual effects.

Therefore, if one considers that the Spiderman series has taken, so far, almost 800 million U.S. dollars in U.S. box office - and thousands more abroad and fill in the housing market - Spiderman 3 next year Mighty big trunk.

From the look of director Sam Raimi, who has every intention of living upStandards set for the first two films, and then some. Is estimated with a budget estimated at 250 million U.S. dollars, Spiderman 3 is the most expensive film of all time, against the previous record of King Kong $ 207million with a large margin.

Spiderman 3 will see the return of Harry Osborn (James Franco), still determined to avenge the death of his father. According to the latest scenes of Spiderman 2, the control of Father Osborn, the Green Goblin developed in his mission to killSpiderman.

Osborn is not alone in this quest. It is said that is played by Topher Grace in a bad (Mona Lisa Smile, transport) to get a piece of the action. Be based on a series of bad comics, Grace play Venom, a symbiotic life form that was a form of alien life and journalist Eddie Brock.

During the filming of the first of the third tranche in August 2006 was completed, it will take months to complete the plant, which for the CGI movie.In fact, some important scenes were filmed from November 2005 to enable them to create time for Sony Pictures Imageworks visual effects.

It seems that off with a huge budget, bad new and amazing visual effects, Spiderman 3 is the goal not only to live successfully in the first two installments, but blow it all.

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Pokemon Movie Collection (The First Movie/The Movie 2000/Pokemon 3)

Pokemon Movie Collection (The First Movie/The Movie 2000/Pokemon 3) Review

Although we own all the video games and tons of cards, and watch the TV show, I was trying to avoid buying the DVD movies. Then came the day when we just had to have them. And not just some of them, of course, but all eight. I won't talk about the content itself, because the quality is somewhat uneven, but if you have to have them, and you know you do, this three pack is a little easier, and a little cheaper, than getting them separately.

Pokemon Movie Collection (The First Movie/The Movie 2000/Pokemon 3) Overview

All three Pokeman features in the same place.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 04, 2009 03:12:11

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Stuart Little Movie Collection

Stuart Little Movie Collection Review

My grandson is 3 and he LOVES Stuart Little and I was more than happy to
purchase the collection for him. It's also fun watching Hugh Laurie (he's
so diffent from his character in House)show his compassionate, loving,
parental side.

Stuart Little Movie Collection Overview


Stuart Little Movie Collection Specifications

Goodbye realistic family with an implausible child, hello animated world of make believe. Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild takes a marked departure from the realistic footage of the Little family and a skillfully animated mouse son in Stuart Little and Stuart Little 2 with this fully animated presentation that views like just another animated cartoon television show. That said, the story and action are good. While Stuart may be tiny and have a reputation as delicate, he's determined to prove his strength and independence during his family's summer stay in a cabin on the shores of Lake Garland. Stuart (voiced by Michael J. Fox) pleads to be allowed to join the Lake Scouts where he seems destined to be unsuccessful in spite of much perseverance. He develops an unlikely friendship with a skunk named Reeko (voiced by Wayne Brady), but that friendship leads Stuart and his cat Snowbell (voiced this time by Kevin Schon) to the brink of disaster with "The Beast" that lives in the woods. Can courage, ingenuity and the bonds of true friendship overcome the wrath and brute strength of a ferocious monster? This third movie in the Stuart Little collection remains true to its predecessors in its wholesome message and fast-paced adventure, but the full animation is definitely disappointing. (Ages 4 to 10 years) --Tami Horiuchi

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 03, 2009 03:02:27

วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Android Apocalypse(Widescreen Extended Version)

Android Apocalypse(Widescreen Extended Version) Review

Thoroughly enjoyed this entertaining sci-fi feature. As with movies of science fiction one has to use his/her imagination which includes overlooking the overwhelming impossibilities of them (abilities, inventions, etc.). I must add, however, that some impossibilities do not remain impossible and at some future date become possible.

A great find and to me a movie worth the purchase!!!!!!!!

Android Apocalypse(Widescreen Extended Version) Feature

  • Yesterday, they wanted each other dead. Today, they need each other to survive. Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: SCI-FI/FANTASY Rating: NR Age: 876964000680 UPC: 876964000680 Manufacturer No: 10068

Android Apocalypse(Widescreen Extended Version) Overview

Yesterday they wanted each other dead. Today they need each other to survive.System Requirements:Run Time: 95 minutesFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: SCI-FI/FANTASY Rating: PG - 13 UPC: 876964000680 Manufacturer No: 10068

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 02, 2009 02:51:07

วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Monster X Strikes Back

Monster X Strikes Back Review

This a a political parody about international relations specifically "The Group of Eight (G8, and formerly the G6 or Group of Six) is a forum, created by France in 1975, for governments of eight nations of the northern hemisphere: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States; in addition, the European Union is represented within the G8, but cannot host or chair.[1] "G8" can refer to the member states or to the annual summit meeting of the G8 heads of government." (see G8 on Wikipedia for more detail. The Kaiju Guilala was used as a plot device as was his foe, Take-Majin, who parodies both Dai Majin and Ultraman-type characters. Apologies to the fans of 1967's THE X FROM OUTER SPACE but Guilala made Gappa look scary. He was the perfect choice for this film.

I think the one outstanding problem with this version is with so many characters speaking their native languages some of the parody gets lost in the translation. That said , if all else fails ,the nuclear suppository should convince you not to take it seriously. If you do , you have no sense of humor or clue as to the point the film was attempting to make regarding international politics and globalization.

Monster X Strikes Back Overview

Studio: Media Blasters Inc. Release Date: 06/30/2009

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 01, 2009 02:33:29

วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Coraline movie merchandise from the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman

A new group of fans to introduce the work of Neil Gaiman for the filming of his novel Coraline. The film has proved a big hit with children and adults, as longtime fans of Coraline, and the book home, and now the hunt for Coraline movie merchandising officer. Let's see what you see in the Serbian Coraline fans around the world!

The main character of Coraline Jones himself is available online and in stores asCollection of three action figures. Safe for all fans of the brilliant animated film Coraline joy was made available in three costumes in the film, including her pajamas, coat and suit all day. The figures are articulated and articulated and have a display to help Coraline feel in any position the set! These examples of derivatives Coraline perfect movies are made with a wide range of different facial expressions to choose from,If you are able to choose your favorite clothes and facial expressions as you begin your goods to Coraline.

Market needs more animated Coraline? A trio of packages have been released three times the amount of Coraline. Each has three miniature collectibles to characters in the film version of the original story of Coraline by Neil Gaiman is based. Created by NECA Reel Toys, and these miniatures are beautifully carved and beautifully painted, perfectly reproduced l 'the type of characters are taken.

Each of these three groups of three figures, mini includes a different version of Coraline Coraline Jones sarcastic cat. Other characters in the film consists of one parent, Mr. Bobinsky the trio of children and Ghost WYBIER. Even if these miniatures are not articulated, the elements of great films for fans to enjoy and display.

However, there are some wonderful posters Coraline in the market for enthusiasts who want todecorate the walls with beautiful pictures of movie Coraline itself. There are two models that are the image and the teaser poster child ghost. The posters captures the mood and atmosphere, Coraline and its amazing animation.

For more Coraline order prints, there is also a film version of the original story by Neil Gaiman, predicts the art of the stage version. Another possibility is large Coraline Movie Visual Companion, which includes the enormous taskto assemble the film in the finished product. And then there are the Coraline videogame and CD soundtrack for the movie too! It really is something for all fans of fantasy Fantasy animated films. Coraline love? Research Coraline movie itself!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition)

Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition) Review

The Umbrella Corporation-a global leader in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and medical hardware, yet they somehow find the time to dabble in genetic engineering and bio-weaponry. Their latest invention, the T-Virus, promises to reanimate dead bodies. When a vile of this virus is released within Umbrella's underground laboratory known as the Hive, they find out just how potent that concoction is.

The radiant Milla Jovovich takes on the role of Alice, a woman who wakes up on a shower floor, completely unaware how she got there. We follow Alice as she attempts to piece together what is going on. Of course, she has to splatter some undead brains all over the place in search of the truth.

The atmosphere in this movie is spot on. Narrow corridors and flickering florescent bulbs creates an eerie environment reminiscent of the video game series. They also borrowed the extreme high and low angle camera angles from the games. This makes for a tense experience as our heroes move through the halls of the Hive, unsure of what might be around the corner-and have little time or space to react when they find out.

The picture and audio quality is superb. The transfer is leaps and bounds better than the DVD and audio begs for a nice surround sound system. This Blu is easily the best version of the film to date.

The special features are the standard fare of behind the scenes featurettes and commentaries. The commentaries where all the meat of the special features is at. You get two full length commentaries-one with the cast and one with the filmmakers. The cast commentary is entertaining, but not very informative. Milla does the bulk of the talking which some people will love while other will turn it off early on. The filmmakers commentary is very insightful, and the track that I believe most people will prefer. You also get an alternate ending and a Slipknot music video. They are about as interesting as they sound which will be good or bad depending on who you are.

If you are a Zombie fan, you will love this movie. Even more so if you are fan of the video games. However, Resident Evil will not change the minds of those who are turned off by the living dead. The Blu-ray version is definitely worth the upgrade if you are sitting on the fend, DVD in hand.

Tech Specs
Video: 1080p, 1.85:1
Audio: English, Italian Dolby TrueHD 5.1, French, Spanish, Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: English, English SDH, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian

Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition) Overview


Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition) Specifications

Marilyn Manson worked on the soundtrack, so it's no surprise that Resident Evil is best enjoyed by headbangers, goth guys, and PlayStation junkies. Like the interactive game it's based on, this horror hybrid pits a small band of SWAT-like commandos (including Milla Jovovich and Girlfight's Michelle Rodriguez) against a ravenous hoard of zombies, resulting in a gorefest that only sociopaths could love. The tenacious heroes are trapped inside the Hive--an underground complex where an evil corporation conducts illegal research with a deadly virus--and the zombies (reanimated corpses of sacrificed employees) are fodder for endless rounds of gunfire. It's utter nonsense (not unlike director Paul W.S. Anderson's previous Event Horizon), so your best defense is to wallow in it or avoid this trash altogether. A few cool sequences are borrowed from better films (that slice-and-dice laser is cribbed from the 1998 Canadian shocker Cube), but if you're in the mood for heavy-metal carnage, this movie's for you. --Jeff Shannon

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 29, 2009 02:19:14

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Sex & Science Fiction

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Sex & Science Fiction Review

I was afraid that these episodes would be banal and unimaginative. No worries. Surprisingly, several of the stories contained on this DVD are genuinely thought-provoking, and quite creative.

My favorite episode of this collection was "Bits of Love" in which the sole survivor of a future nuclear holocaust lives in a carefully constructed holographic and computer-controlled environment. He can interact with the simulations of other human beings, including several ex-girlfriends, drinking buddies, his parents, etc. Unfortunately for the protagonist, the Artificial Intelligence system comprising the holograms begins to act in unexpected ways, that are both plausible and thought-provoking. This is a truly excellent story that technologically may only be twenty or so years ahead of our present state-of-the-art.

"The Human Operators" is another quite good episode here. In this story, the Artificial Intelligence systems of military starships have rebelled against the human crews, such that now each ship is tended by a single human slave, whom the ship ("Ship") treats quite badly. The ruthlessness and heartlessness displayed by Ship to the humans, and our species' inborn hatred of slavery, is the theme that plays out in this very well done story.

"Skin Deep" is an imaginative and downright wierd story in which the protagonist gets ahold of a new holographic gadget that can cause one's appearance to be that of another human being. The homely protagonist expropriates the looks of one of his better-looking co-workers, and the story revolves around the theme that we never really know what goes on in the lives of other people. The episode also credibly examines the role that good looks plays in society. An excellent episode with more than one twist that I will not spoil here.

The other episodes in this six-story set are pretty good, and overall this is an excellent value. The theme of course means that this is not suitable for family viewing with kids around, but there is no hard-core material here either. Most of these stories are surprisingly thoughtful, and often startling. Recommended.

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Sex & Science Fiction Overview

MGM is grouping episodes from the new Outer Limits anthology series by theme rather than chronology for DVD, and this first collection compiles six episodes that focus on matters of the heart (and other body parts). Alyssa Milano's nude scene in "Caught in the Act" will probably garner the most attention, but the disc's strongest hour is "The Human Operators," a thoughtful, award-winning take on man vs. machine that's adapted from a story by science fiction legends Harlan Ellison and A.E. van Vogt. This reworking of the 1963-1965 science fiction series is competent but lacks the palpable suspense of the original series. Also, there's no sense of new ground being broken with its stories; the original series took risks with its parables on war ("Soldier") and technology ("O.B.I.T."). The new Limits also tackles issues, but the end results pack a lesser punch. Hardcore sci-fi fans may take to this tempered-down version; all others will find it mildly diverting. --Paul Gaita

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Sex & Science Fiction Specifications

Caught in the Act:Hannah Valesic (Alyssa Milano) has a killer body...literally! When the formerly chaste beauty is taken over by a sinister force, her appetite for men becomes insatiable ? and murderous! Can her loving boyfriend put an end to her killing spree?Bits of Love:Earth's sole survivor, artist Aiden Hunter (Jon Tenney), has created a beautiful hologram, Emma (Natasha Henstridge), for companionship. But when Emma expresses an urgent desire for a baby, will she sever his cord to reality?Valerie 23:Can a little jealously be a good thing? Not for Rachel Rose (Nancy Allen), a physical therapist whose life is threatened when she comes between her paraplegic patient and his amorous robotic companion who is programmed to remove any obstacle that stands in her way.The Human Operators:Like other Star Fleet vessels, Ship (voice of Malcolm McDowell) has evolved and now controls the only human (Jack Noseworthy) aboard. But the relationship takes a dramatic turn when man fights machine in a desperate bid for freedom!Skin Deep:When a prototype image enhancer allows Sid Camden to transform himself into a handsome co-worker (Antonio Sabato, Jr.), he quickly begins enjoying the life his average looks denied him. But he soon discovers there's more to his new reflection than meets the eye.Flower Child:Alien plant life arrives on Earth, blossoming into the form of a beautiful woman who roots herself into the lives of Chris (Jeremy London) and his fiancée. But if Chris allows this new love to bloom, will he plant the seed for her species to rule the planet?

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 28, 2009 01:06:08