วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Create Fantasy Bedrooms For Kids

Creating a fantasy room for your child begins by making the child's imagination. If your children are playing make-believe (as most of the children) what they imagine to be: a rock star or movie star, an astronaut, the president of the United States, a captain, a dancer, a prince or princess, a knight in shining armor or a girl in distress, a deep sea diver or mountain climber, a driver of the car race, an Olympic gymnast, a super hero or super -Rogue? Once you know what fantasy to your child, it is relatively easy to design and create your own topic area on this basis.

The best way to get a custom bedroom fantasy is to build a theme, and the imagination of your child that makes you identify the problem, design the master. A central theme of the nursery to become chaotic, disordered mixture of every cool thing that catches the interest of the child. Instead, combiningThus the room down a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that soothes the senses. Fantasy for this theme as the focus, you can choose the furniture, colors, surfaces and floors can be added, and other elements of the chamber ensemble, which reflect and reinforce the image of the imagination.

Speaking of connecting elements, Carpenter has given parents the creative element of the multi-functional furniture, one that functions in a compact, has several pieces. Mostpopular (and versatile) interior design of these innovations is the custom theme bed, needed to satisfy your child to delve into the world of her imagination and your needs as parents of accessibility, functionality, simplicity, l 'economic awareness of space, and - above all - safety.

A custom theme bed can double (or triple) as a structure of Playhouse covers an area of studies, the extra space for sleepovers, and other guests to sleep for the night and can be built to asYou need space d '.

At least one of the fantasies suggested earlier in this article can develop life with a custom theme bed for her spring. From custom bunk bed for your little prince or princess beds for your vehicle Custom NASCAR fan Treehouse little custom bedding for your favorite monkey jungle and again and again, the only limits the kind of idea that bring to life with a particular theme can bed of the middle of the room is yourImagination.

In this place, fleshing out the fantasy of sleeping with other accessories for children and accessories for the game is not only easy, it's fun! Bedding custom photos and images, exhibits from various collections, plants, rugs and mats, and more can combine forces to serve a greater good - to make that child a good sleep every night and wake up every morning with a dream.

