The Fray is a post-apocalyptic newly published novel by author Philip Bradbury, it is a blend of science fiction, fantasy and horror fans, and would also contribute significantly to the post-apocalyptic fiction appeal. Having been heavily influenced by authors such as Stephen King and Robert Jordan; Bradbury has infused his worship and adoration of the hand of his literary colleagues in his own work, so a novel is rich in depth, with touches of mysticism and turns of the story that Stephen would doKing proud.
Bradbury taps into the themes and plot devices that are used a lot of fans of this genre, but he delivers them with such originality and conviction that he fills the reader with excitement and curiosity.
The book is in the distant future in which the majority of the population of the world from a virus Destrachan overcome nightmarish set, that their sacrifice eating meat turns into crazy zombies. The rest of humanity is rather uncertain in closed severalreinforced outposts, which can protect them from the constant attacks of the undead. Sera and Gabriel have to fight from a nearby outpost against the time to humanity, the source of the virus with a fortune-teller predicting to save them to victory guide.
The story with many twists and intrigue that the reader occupies commitment and desire for more, and that one of the many reasons why this book is successful. The story is original yet delicately influenced by other worksfrom the horror and fantasy genre. However, these effects are ultimately beneficial and have helped to Bradbury to create something special that I sincerely hope the reader gets it deserves.