Before your fantasy world you live in the minds of your readers, you need to recover before the start in your mind. It must be tangible and real. And you must see before you expect to see your readers. So how do you do? I have three proposed methods to bring your vision of a world to life.
Draw maps of your world
If you have a lot of ways medieval fantasy epic you've ever read on the cards, which saw many of themBooks. They are an excellent addition to writing. Bring a visual reality that the world in the novel and not in second place after the novel. They are a valuable part of the experience of reading a novel.
The cards are not just for the drive, though. You can play a useful role for you, as a writer. The chances are good that your main character or main characters travel around the world that you need to be created. What are the rivers? How far apart are the cities?What are the main features of the landscape? There are the mountains? How long does it take to move your character from one place in the world in a different place in the world. A good map can answer all these questions.
Too often, the cards are almost playing a supporting role. The story is written, then the card is designed to fit the story. You should put this approach on its head and drag the maps early stages of the writing process.
A map or series of cards, you can base your story in a wayReality. It can also stimulate new ideas in the story. The visual representation of a card can be new ideas. If the missing card. How do you feel to a natural lake at the foot of a mountain? Drag and see if it brings a new chapter in its history. There are two rivers? What was the meeting place? It is a city? Perhaps there is a dark forest. Perhaps these new features of the country have a role in your story.
The cards are something that the readerfrequently refers. A map is a premium of a novel, and every time there is a map in a novel, I read the pages of the card is very clouded. He brings a different part of the brain drive in history. Do not forget the cards and is not stored as an accessory. You can use to realize their full potential. Even if you do not have much skill with drawing, the card can be good enough to be used effectively in the final print. This map is the most difficult to watch as they pulled the hand thatbetter accompaniment to a great story.
Rendering of 3D scenes and dioramas for your world
I am a manufacturer of diorama. I like to create the scenes with wizards, barbarians, and all kinds of evil creatures. When I wrote my first novel, I have an ambitious project to create a table diorama of a particular region of the world that I am already. It is a project under which a specially designed table, seven meters long and four meters wide and has taken a long time to build, butThe reward for this project was too big. In a real configuration of a scene in the novel allowed me to live, give the novel. I saw the earth and move like the characters. I could imagine the time and plant species. Made it much easier for me to move into the soul of my readers. You have a project not as ambitious as I am, you can only make a small scene, but this type of structure in the world in a visual sense adds a sense of depthwriting.
Create a video game that you can run in the
Sounds like a lot of work and a couple of years, this was not an option for an amateur, but now the technology and tools exist that you can actually create an amazing world within hours. There are many free resources for you to internal and external worlds, without allowing for a penny. You need only invest a little time. The technology has to come to the point whereis almost plug and play. Let me give you an example. You can draw a tool for building the world in one city. You will receive a certain size, topography and buildings there, then add all types of prefabricated extras. In a weekend you can get a complete little world that you can actually use, already a sign to go into your world.
There are two key advantages of making efforts to do so. First, we can build a pseudo-realistic interpretation of an area of yourHistory and can help you see better. And that means a better display you describe your best players. But secondly, and above all, the process of creating this world in a different medium of paper and pencil to take your imagination and creativity to a new level. As you build your world, you will see a new path. This will provide new ideas, ideas that you never thought of a simple word processor.
I worked with severalSoftware suite to create different worlds and is a new platform game Kaneva. I have not yet used, but it seems very interesting and very friendly. If you use this platform to create a world, you can also invite other people to come and study with you. It's not that something? You can tell them that the world is, the novel is set in.
Fantasy epic and writing, in its essence a form of visual art. But too often we haveWriters usually more is too much emphasis in action, or social interaction in the story. You should never forget that the story in a world that you created is terminated. And this world is the land on which is attached to the whole story. It must be understood as a rock solid and clear from you. It must be clearly expressed in your reader. Construct a physical representation of the created world, brings a new level and helps you to express your sense ofReality to your reader.