วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Coraline movie merchandise from the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman

A new group of fans to introduce the work of Neil Gaiman for the filming of his novel Coraline. The film has proved a big hit with children and adults, as longtime fans of Coraline, and the book home, and now the hunt for Coraline movie merchandising officer. Let's see what you see in the Serbian Coraline fans around the world!

The main character of Coraline Jones himself is available online and in stores asCollection of three action figures. Safe for all fans of the brilliant animated film Coraline joy was made available in three costumes in the film, including her pajamas, coat and suit all day. The figures are articulated and articulated and have a display to help Coraline feel in any position the set! These examples of derivatives Coraline perfect movies are made with a wide range of different facial expressions to choose from,If you are able to choose your favorite clothes and facial expressions as you begin your goods to Coraline.

Market needs more animated Coraline? A trio of packages have been released three times the amount of Coraline. Each has three miniature collectibles to characters in the film version of the original story of Coraline by Neil Gaiman is based. Created by NECA Reel Toys, and these miniatures are beautifully carved and beautifully painted, perfectly reproduced l 'the type of characters are taken.

Each of these three groups of three figures, mini includes a different version of Coraline Coraline Jones sarcastic cat. Other characters in the film consists of one parent, Mr. Bobinsky the trio of children and Ghost WYBIER. Even if these miniatures are not articulated, the elements of great films for fans to enjoy and display.

However, there are some wonderful posters Coraline in the market for enthusiasts who want todecorate the walls with beautiful pictures of movie Coraline itself. There are two models that are the image and the teaser poster child ghost. The posters captures the mood and atmosphere, Coraline and its amazing animation.

For more Coraline order prints, there is also a film version of the original story by Neil Gaiman, predicts the art of the stage version. Another possibility is large Coraline Movie Visual Companion, which includes the enormous taskto assemble the film in the finished product. And then there are the Coraline videogame and CD soundtrack for the movie too! It really is something for all fans of fantasy Fantasy animated films. Coraline love? Research Coraline movie itself!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition)

Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition) Review

The Umbrella Corporation-a global leader in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and medical hardware, yet they somehow find the time to dabble in genetic engineering and bio-weaponry. Their latest invention, the T-Virus, promises to reanimate dead bodies. When a vile of this virus is released within Umbrella's underground laboratory known as the Hive, they find out just how potent that concoction is.

The radiant Milla Jovovich takes on the role of Alice, a woman who wakes up on a shower floor, completely unaware how she got there. We follow Alice as she attempts to piece together what is going on. Of course, she has to splatter some undead brains all over the place in search of the truth.

The atmosphere in this movie is spot on. Narrow corridors and flickering florescent bulbs creates an eerie environment reminiscent of the video game series. They also borrowed the extreme high and low angle camera angles from the games. This makes for a tense experience as our heroes move through the halls of the Hive, unsure of what might be around the corner-and have little time or space to react when they find out.

The picture and audio quality is superb. The transfer is leaps and bounds better than the DVD and audio begs for a nice surround sound system. This Blu is easily the best version of the film to date.

The special features are the standard fare of behind the scenes featurettes and commentaries. The commentaries where all the meat of the special features is at. You get two full length commentaries-one with the cast and one with the filmmakers. The cast commentary is entertaining, but not very informative. Milla does the bulk of the talking which some people will love while other will turn it off early on. The filmmakers commentary is very insightful, and the track that I believe most people will prefer. You also get an alternate ending and a Slipknot music video. They are about as interesting as they sound which will be good or bad depending on who you are.

If you are a Zombie fan, you will love this movie. Even more so if you are fan of the video games. However, Resident Evil will not change the minds of those who are turned off by the living dead. The Blu-ray version is definitely worth the upgrade if you are sitting on the fend, DVD in hand.

Tech Specs
Video: 1080p, 1.85:1
Audio: English, Italian Dolby TrueHD 5.1, French, Spanish, Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: English, English SDH, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian

Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition) Overview


Resident Evil (Deluxe Edition) Specifications

Marilyn Manson worked on the soundtrack, so it's no surprise that Resident Evil is best enjoyed by headbangers, goth guys, and PlayStation junkies. Like the interactive game it's based on, this horror hybrid pits a small band of SWAT-like commandos (including Milla Jovovich and Girlfight's Michelle Rodriguez) against a ravenous hoard of zombies, resulting in a gorefest that only sociopaths could love. The tenacious heroes are trapped inside the Hive--an underground complex where an evil corporation conducts illegal research with a deadly virus--and the zombies (reanimated corpses of sacrificed employees) are fodder for endless rounds of gunfire. It's utter nonsense (not unlike director Paul W.S. Anderson's previous Event Horizon), so your best defense is to wallow in it or avoid this trash altogether. A few cool sequences are borrowed from better films (that slice-and-dice laser is cribbed from the 1998 Canadian shocker Cube), but if you're in the mood for heavy-metal carnage, this movie's for you. --Jeff Shannon

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 29, 2009 02:19:14

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Sex & Science Fiction

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Sex & Science Fiction Review

I was afraid that these episodes would be banal and unimaginative. No worries. Surprisingly, several of the stories contained on this DVD are genuinely thought-provoking, and quite creative.

My favorite episode of this collection was "Bits of Love" in which the sole survivor of a future nuclear holocaust lives in a carefully constructed holographic and computer-controlled environment. He can interact with the simulations of other human beings, including several ex-girlfriends, drinking buddies, his parents, etc. Unfortunately for the protagonist, the Artificial Intelligence system comprising the holograms begins to act in unexpected ways, that are both plausible and thought-provoking. This is a truly excellent story that technologically may only be twenty or so years ahead of our present state-of-the-art.

"The Human Operators" is another quite good episode here. In this story, the Artificial Intelligence systems of military starships have rebelled against the human crews, such that now each ship is tended by a single human slave, whom the ship ("Ship") treats quite badly. The ruthlessness and heartlessness displayed by Ship to the humans, and our species' inborn hatred of slavery, is the theme that plays out in this very well done story.

"Skin Deep" is an imaginative and downright wierd story in which the protagonist gets ahold of a new holographic gadget that can cause one's appearance to be that of another human being. The homely protagonist expropriates the looks of one of his better-looking co-workers, and the story revolves around the theme that we never really know what goes on in the lives of other people. The episode also credibly examines the role that good looks plays in society. An excellent episode with more than one twist that I will not spoil here.

The other episodes in this six-story set are pretty good, and overall this is an excellent value. The theme of course means that this is not suitable for family viewing with kids around, but there is no hard-core material here either. Most of these stories are surprisingly thoughtful, and often startling. Recommended.

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Sex & Science Fiction Overview

MGM is grouping episodes from the new Outer Limits anthology series by theme rather than chronology for DVD, and this first collection compiles six episodes that focus on matters of the heart (and other body parts). Alyssa Milano's nude scene in "Caught in the Act" will probably garner the most attention, but the disc's strongest hour is "The Human Operators," a thoughtful, award-winning take on man vs. machine that's adapted from a story by science fiction legends Harlan Ellison and A.E. van Vogt. This reworking of the 1963-1965 science fiction series is competent but lacks the palpable suspense of the original series. Also, there's no sense of new ground being broken with its stories; the original series took risks with its parables on war ("Soldier") and technology ("O.B.I.T."). The new Limits also tackles issues, but the end results pack a lesser punch. Hardcore sci-fi fans may take to this tempered-down version; all others will find it mildly diverting. --Paul Gaita

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Sex & Science Fiction Specifications

Caught in the Act:Hannah Valesic (Alyssa Milano) has a killer body...literally! When the formerly chaste beauty is taken over by a sinister force, her appetite for men becomes insatiable ? and murderous! Can her loving boyfriend put an end to her killing spree?Bits of Love:Earth's sole survivor, artist Aiden Hunter (Jon Tenney), has created a beautiful hologram, Emma (Natasha Henstridge), for companionship. But when Emma expresses an urgent desire for a baby, will she sever his cord to reality?Valerie 23:Can a little jealously be a good thing? Not for Rachel Rose (Nancy Allen), a physical therapist whose life is threatened when she comes between her paraplegic patient and his amorous robotic companion who is programmed to remove any obstacle that stands in her way.The Human Operators:Like other Star Fleet vessels, Ship (voice of Malcolm McDowell) has evolved and now controls the only human (Jack Noseworthy) aboard. But the relationship takes a dramatic turn when man fights machine in a desperate bid for freedom!Skin Deep:When a prototype image enhancer allows Sid Camden to transform himself into a handsome co-worker (Antonio Sabato, Jr.), he quickly begins enjoying the life his average looks denied him. But he soon discovers there's more to his new reflection than meets the eye.Flower Child:Alien plant life arrives on Earth, blossoming into the form of a beautiful woman who roots herself into the lives of Chris (Jeremy London) and his fiancée. But if Chris allows this new love to bloom, will he plant the seed for her species to rule the planet?

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 28, 2009 01:06:08

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Stuart Little (The Animated Series) - Fun Around Every Curve

Stuart Little (The Animated Series) - Fun Around Every Curve Review

Stuart Little (The Animated Series) - Fun Around Every Curve Overview

Movie DVD

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 27, 2009 00:59:07

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Drive-In Cult Classics 3

Drive-In Cult Classics 3 Review

In Drive-In Cult Classics Volume 1, the viewer got a collection of trashy but fun dramas which focused on illicit sex and death. I have not watched Volume 2, which is a set of low-budget horror movies, some of which have even made it to Mystery Science Theater. Volume 3, however, is a true mish-mash of movies, but are overall pretty fun. All come from Crown International Pictures, a distributor of cheesy exploitation flicks (with a definite inclination towards gratuitous nudity).

Volume 3 has eight movies on four discs. On the first disc is The Babysitter and Weekend with the Babysitter, a pair of generally unrelated but similar movies. Each involves a middle-aged man (played by the same actor in both movies) having a fling with his child's babysitter and in the process getting entangled with crime. The Babysitter is the only black-and-white movie in the set.

Disc 2 has The Pink Angels and Blood Mania. Blood Mania is basically a suspense story with a lot of sex and a bit of trippiness. The Pink Angels is nominally a comedy, but it lacks any real laughs. It's the story of a gang of gay bikers. They don't actually do anything with each other, but instead are just an over-the-top collection of gay stereotypes. Even for those who find this movie likeable will be put off by the ending where things take an abrupt turn.

Things get both better and worse on Disc 3. Single Room Furnished is a rare Crown attempt to be arty, with an adaptation of a play about the tragic love life of a young woman. Unfortunately, the movie is too stagy and the acting and writing are subpar, led by Jayne Mansfield in her final role before her death in a car accident.

On the other side of Disc 3 is the first of a threesome of similar movies that continue on Disc 4. All three are late-`70s teen sex comedies. Van Nuys Blvd. (on Disc 3) romanticizes the era of cruising down the boulevard every Wednesday night. The Pom Pom Girls focus on some high school football players and their attempts to woo the title characters. Malibu Beach takes place mostly on Malibu Beach. All three are reasonably interchangeable: I enjoyed Van Nuys Blvd. the best (it seemed to have the most likeable characters), but they're all decent and pieces of cinematic greatness compared to some of the other Crown fare.

Overall, this is another collection of trashy fun; I enjoyed all these films with the exception of Single Room Furnished (more boring than bad) and to a lesser extent, Pink Angels. There are even a couple extras: a commentary and a couple movie trailers. For what these movies are - cheap entertainment - this is a good set to pick up.

Drive-In Cult Classics 3 Overview

Studio: Bci Eclipse Comp Llc Release Date: 10/14/2008

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 26, 2009 00:48:21

วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Great gift ideas for the fantasy lover in your life

Almost everyone has someone in his life who is a fan of fantasy. Whether Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, comics, cartoon's, vampires, Harry Potter, World of Warcraft or another, these people tend to be difficult to buy for. Here are some tips, to buy the perfect gift for the fantasy fan in your life.


are a great gift for the fan of fantasy. If you are a fan of the cartoon will receive a limited edition animation cel of her favorite --Series. If you are a Lord Of The Rings fan, there is a huge amount of collectibles in limited edition for this series, including action figures, toys, weapons, jewelry, games, maps, reproductions, art and sculptures. Similar to the series "The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter fans have a large number of collectibles to choose from. Regardless of the series, show, movie or book fool the recipient, be assured that there are many opportunities for a collection of gift which are placed a smiletheir faces.

Comic Books

Her husband is a fan of Spiderman, Ironman, or another series of comics? Consider it as one of the most rare and vintage on their favorite series. Not only does this make a gift to comic book fans happy, but it is a gift, and even more their value over time.


Lanes of video games with titles of the popular fantasy series of all the Final Fantasy role-playing stacked linkedin fantasy worlds. For a fan of some series of video games, there are opportunities as a gift a voucher for 1 years World of Warcraft. Or perhaps you're a fan of Zelda in your community? Enhancement of the special Nintendo DS Lite Gold Edition includes the game Zelda Phantom Hourglass for the DS.


If someone is a Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek or Harry Potter fans, but probably all the movies on DVD. However, you cannot with the series on Blu-ray or may not have the latest and greatest Collector's Edition DVD.


Dressing like your favorite fantasy can be fun for parties or Halloween. Only a few anime fans would not want to dress as their favorite character too. Do you have something to Inuyasha? Maybe Naruto? There are complete costumes available to make your imagination of fans very happy. eBay is a good place to look for them.

Weapons andAccessories

Sometimes only show with a cool weapon or accessory, your love of fantasy. If the fan is a fan of samurai fantasy film, Lord Of The Rings, Robin Hood, or Halo, then they would truly like to have a Katana, medieval swords and replica sword Dragon Ball Z.


Statue sculpture for the display of artistic lithographs, there are works of art for several TV shows, movies, books and games.


Perhaps you areScience fiction fans can have the complete series of this or that, but soundtrack? Soundtrack for the series of Japanese animation, in particular can be difficult, a good place to find for them is eBay.

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (2-Disc Widescreen Edition)

Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (2-Disc Widescreen Edition) Review

This film was the most depressing of the Schwarzenegger
Terminator Trilogy. Frankly, they should have stopped with
T2, because this was one was depressing. It turns out that
in T2, they did not stop Skynet, that artificial intelligence of the
future. They only postponed "judgement day", that day when
the machines declare war on humanity: Sort of like a
cybernetic version of "9-11". The two Terminators come across
as lawyers, one for the Defense (he wants to postpone
Judgement Day) and one for the Prosecution (all humans are
guilty, and beyond redemption).

In this film, John Connor comes across as weak and
ineffectual. He appears to be semi-illiterate. Whenever he
tries to put together a logical statement he sounds like he is
"jumping to conclusions".

Frankly, the kid in T2 (as annoying as he was) is still a much
better choice to "lead the Resistance" than this guy, who takes
over 3/4 of the film to realize that he is not the only important
person the Terminator has come back to protect. He meets
Kathy Brewster, who is oddly better able to control her emotions
than he is. She locks him in a "kennel", a "cage" when they first
meet. Maybe she should be the future leader of 'the Resistance'?
But remember Connor's biological dad from T1?: He seemed to
have leadership qualities that his son lacks here in the present.
And in T2, the scene where that kid teaches the Terminator "bad
English" while his mother sits silently in the back not admonishing
him, is heartbreaking. What kind of parents are they? He is

There is some humour in the movie. A male cashier asks the
Terminator if he intends to pay. The Terminator extends his hand,
like a Nazi, and says: "Talk to the hand". He then takes the food
and walks out, without paying. INCENTIVES and INTIMIDATION,
like a super model without a credit card. The Terminator: Give him
what he wants and maybe he will not break anything, especially
our legs. The Super Model: Give her what she wants and she might

A woman might bake a cookie for her child. But if a child looks
around his room he might observe that there is very little there that
was built by a woman. For whom do men build things, and why?
"Paper, or plastic?" is a question that used to be heard in grocery
stores, but did not refer to money. Metal, and electronic information,
can be used as money. Men seem to build things for pay checks, or
otherwise attempt to purchase affection (approval) with their works.
Where is the man who has not "paid for..."?

The Terminator tells Brewster, that without her, he would have no
"meaning", for he would be useless in a world without humans to
serve. (The woman was created for the man, wherefore he feels a
NEED for her, and she might WANT him, if he is useful.)

CAVEAT: Profanity, obscenities.

The Sgt. Candy clip, found in the 'extra features' section on
disc 2, is an interesting example of reverse psychology. He
looks white, but sounds like an oppressed black male,
attempting to "fit in" by not sounding aggressive, or displaying
a confident masculinity. Instead he sounds like a child, a boy,
or a man, who has been hurt, not allowed to play with the other
kids, rejected by society, refused employment many times, etc.,
and so he pretends that what happened to him, didn't really
happen. Sgt. Candy wears a mask of denial to conceal "the
pain" of "not belonging", of not being accepted as a person.
He plays the part of "silly negro", a "tool", a disposable
commodity, as soldiers are taught to be. In the army, they are
called "maggots". In the army, females may advance to positions
of command, without ever seeing combat, for they are given the
option, not to SEE combat. They are F, and the soldiers are m,
"maggots". Frankly, the St.Candy clip is the best reason to get
this movie, T3.

The movie closes with these words, which are written, or
spoken, depending I think upon which version of the movie
you get:

The future has not been written...
There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.
- Sarah Connors

By the time Skynet became self-aware it had spread
into millions of computer servers across the planet.
Ordinary computers in office buildings, dorm rooms:
everywhere. It was software, in cyberspace. There
was no system core: it could not be shutdown.

The attack began at 6:18 PM just as he said it would.
Judgement Day, the day the human race was almost
destroyed by the weapons they'd built to protect

I should have realized that it was never our destiny to
stop Judgement Day, it was merely to survive it,
together. The Terminator knew, he had told us, but I
didn't want to hear it.

Maybe the future has been written. I don't know...
All I know is what the Terminator taught me, never stop
fighting. And I never will. The battle has just begun.

Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (2-Disc Widescreen Edition) Overview

A decade has passed since John Connor (NICK STAHL) helped prevent Judgment Day and save mankind from mass destruction. Now 25 Connor lives "off the grid" - no home no credit cards no cell phone and no job. No record of his existence. No way he can be traced by Skynet - the highly developed network of machines that once tried to kill him and wage war on humanity. Until out of the shadows of the future steps the T-X (KRISTANNA LOKEN) Skynet's most sophisticated cyborg killing machine yet. Sent back through time to complete the job left unfinished by her predecessor the T-1000 this machine is as relentless as her human guise is beautiful. Now Connor's only hope for survival is the Terminator (ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER) his mysterious former assassin. Together they must triumph over the technologically superior T-X and forestall the looming threat of Judgment Day - or face the apocalypse and the fall of civilization as we know it.Running Time: 110 min.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: ACTION/ADVENTURE UPC: 085392772322

Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (2-Disc Widescreen Edition) Specifications

With a reported budget of 2 million, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines starts in high gear and never slows down. The apocalyptic "Judgment Day" of T2 was never prevented, only postponed: John Connor (Nick Stahl, replacing T2's Edward Furlong), now 22 and disconnected from society, is being pursued yet again, this time by the advanced T-X, a sleek "Terminatrix" (coldly expressionless Kristanna Loken) programmed to stop Connor from becoming the savior of humankind. Originally programmed as an assassin, a disadvantaged T-101 cyborg (Arnold Schwarzenegger, bidding fond farewell to his signature role) arrives from the future to join Connor and his old acquaintance Kate (Claire Danes) in thwarting the T-X's relentless pursuit. The plot presents a logical fulfillment of T2 prophesy, disposing of Connor's mother (Linda Hamilton is sorely missed) while computer-driven machines assume control, launching a nuclear nightmare that Connor must survive. With Breakdown and U-571 serving as worthy rehearsals for this cautionary epic of mass destruction, director Jonathan Mostow wisely avoids any stylistic connection to James Cameron's Terminator classics; instead he's crafted a fun, exciting popcorn thriller, humorous and yet still effectively nihilistic, and comparable to Jurassic Park III in returning the Terminator franchise to its potent B-movie roots. --Jeff Shannon

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 23, 2009 00:35:22

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider [Blu-ray]

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider [Blu-ray] Review

Angeline Jolie, gives us the female version of "Indiana Jones" in this wild cartoon-like adventure story, which is fun to watch. Being a mentally lightweight action film with no credibility (no villain ever harms Jolie in this film despite firepower that would take out some Third World countries) but our heroine is there to save the day, of course!

Jolie mainly is there to show off her chest in tight tee-shirts and perform near-impossible stunts. To her credit, she went to extreme lengths to get herself physically-fit for the role.

Audio-wise, this is a one of the better DVDs you will ever hear, with excellent use of the surround speakers. Nice scenery, a sharp picture and low profanity also are pluses. Yes, the action is a little much and too loud in spots but otherwise "Tomb Raider" is a fun adventure that is recommended to all.

p.s. Skip the sequel; it's a weak one.

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider [Blu-ray] Overview

Bluray Disc

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider [Blu-ray] Specifications

Like the video game series it's based on, Tomb Raider is best enjoyed for its physical strategies, since even casual scrutiny of story details will induce a headache. It's more concerned with puzzles than plot, populated with characters that don't have personalities so much as attitudes. It's silly and somber at the same time, but as a franchise vehicle for Angelina Jolie in the title role of relic hunter Lara Croft, this is packaged entertainment at its most agreeable, ambitious in scope and scale, and filled with the kind of globetrotting adventure that could make Jolie the best thing that's happened to action movies since Indiana Jones. Could being the operative word here, because Tomb Raider can't match any of Steven Spielberg's celebrated joyrides, but the ingredients are there for an exquisitely cinematic meal.

Perhaps to distance himself from Lara Croft's video game origins, director Simon West takes things a bit too seriously; Tomb Raider handles its plot (involving a planetary alignment, the nefarious Illuminati, and coveted relics that hold the key to controlling the flow of time) with all the gravity of a championship chess match... minus the tension. If the movie had lightened up and been truly suspenseful (instead of being suffused with been-there, done-that familiarity), it would have been an instant popcorn classic. As it is, however, this is an elegantly mounted adventure featuring exotic locations (in Cambodia and Iceland) and an exotic star born for her role. Even without her padded bra, Jolie would be the living embodiment of Lara Croft, and that's enough to bode well for inevitable sequels. --Jeff Shannon

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 22, 2009 00:26:49

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Alien Agent

Alien Agent Review

Alien Agent Feature


Alien Agent Overview

System Requirements:Running Time: 95 minutesFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: SCI-FI/FANTASY/FANTASY Rating: R UPC: 783722274545 Manufacturer No: 27454

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 20, 2009 23:47:23

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Moscow Zero

Moscow Zero Review

Moscow Zero Overview

A priest ventures into moscows dark underworld while trying to find his america friend an archaeologist who goes missing while researching the legend of demons & an entrance to hell deep below the surface of this thriving russian capital. Studio: Sony Pictures Home Ent Release Date: 11/04/2008 Starring: Val Kilmer Vincent Gallo Run time: 82 minutes Rating: R

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 19, 2009 23:43:07

วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Star Trek Generations Movie Review

With the merger of the original TV show is now officially for "Star Trek VI, the number of films in retirement is currently in an interesting position to" pass the torch "to the crew of the Enterprise from the second TV series Star Trek : The Next Generation. generations is a solid entry in the series of films, and an attempt is very decent premium for the next round of television, a new next-generation cellular level, but somewhere along the way to guarantee the loans of the two captainstogether, and trying to pass, an exciting all action in the film, we do not fit finally all come, is not to say the filmmakers did not give everything they had, but there are some moments, to freeze the only t. Don 'Finally, the film is in force until three quarters of its course, as Picard is drawn into the Nexus to meet Kirk. The voltage is outside of history and the encounter is almost a matter of form than a day to celebrate. Overall this is aSolid Star Trek movie, with some elements of the great action and adventure, and manages to prevent some images worthy of a great film, but went from the requirements of the story is not much together.

The opening prologue is a good start with Captain Kirk, Scotty and Chekov take part in the opening tour of the new company-B. There are some real humor, as we relax and then watch our favorite characters. Probably would have been wiserSpock and McCoy put there instead of Scotty and Chekov, but hey, maybe did not offer enough money? Who knows. The prologue is very action-oriented, with the company crashed while attempting to emergency Nexus, a mysterious energy band that the ship is destroyed on its way to save. During the rescue, Kirk is lost. Later, 78 years, takes the story with the crew of the next generation, the rescue of a scientist named Soran, who with a plan to destroy the solar systemSystems to the Nexus for him - once in the Nexus, you can not do everything his heart desires, that is the Nexus, a virtual world that something in your head can be reality. Try to stop Soran, Picard is in the Nexus, where he swept with Kirk, and together they return to stop Soran realize his plan.

One of the great works of the film is the director is capable of some very large, the pictures are probably the best filmNext Generation film series. Sweeping shots of the planet, businesses and Nexus are wonderful and great. Another plus is the attempt by writers, a way to Kirk and Picard together without having to travel this time to May, which seemed rather arbitrary to create a gimmick to bring. The Nexus is a great science fiction concept is visually depicted in the film. The land can the crew of the Enterprise-D will be drawn into a tangle of Soran, for some puzzles and action,Group of renegade Klingons. There are two good action sequences, one in a battle between the Enterprise-D and Klingon ship, and is the second fatal crash of the Enterprise-D on a nearby planet down, probably in the action sequences in one of the most spectacular Star Trek film. Another advantage is the statement of principles has been discontinued, John Alonzo. An old Hollywood cameraman, his configurations of the lighting to make beautiful pictures, especially in the Enterprise-D, which we so downto be used at a right angle, but here they have a richness and texture to those that are spectacular to see.

Of course you can not go without representation to the voices of the next generation, which are quite large and by the actors who played these characters for seven years. Picard is very strong, although a scene in which he begins to mourn the loss of his family is somehow irrelevant. Brent Spiner as the data for the most part, good governance, the provisionlittle "comic relief throughout the film, though not to be problematic in some regions. Malcolm McDowell is right that wrong Soran the wrong things to do, and Whoopi Goldberg, but also makes a turning point, resuming his role as Guinan on the TV screen. William Shatner does his best in his latest release, like Kirk, especially in the first prologue. you come to a scene of death at the end of the film moves from one point of view of the franchise, but it seems a little 'surface, as defined in thisHistory as the death of Kirk is the last step of the line.

The only drawback of this film is that the combination of the two captains only disappointment is famous. They wanted encountered in space, where they could fight side by side or as something that you lose no time in Fantasyland, where you Kirk, Picard, scrambled eggs and ride. You really need to get on the company, not on an alien planet. For Kirk, it's also a little bit, "anyMotivation for him to save the situation this time, especially as Picard one who is actually involved in the treatment of Soran and the situation at hand. Consequently, sometimes Picard is a little "weak in comparison to Kirk, who is a real shame, because despite their differences are ultimately equal in stature.

A solid, entertaining film Star Trek, which has a number of shortcomings, but it is ultimately real in his attempt to tell a good story and serves as an important contribution to the fusionThe Next Generation.

วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Sesame Street - Cookie Monster's Best Bites

Sesame Street - Cookie Monster's Best Bites Review

We got this DVD for my 5 year old son's birthday. He is developmentally delayed and doesn't always have a long attention span for movies/video. Both he and his 19 month old brother love this one. It has a nice balance of song and talking. My kids sing along with the songs, and laugh out loud at Cookie Monster's impatience to get those cookies. Sure, the character's got a problem with subject pronouns, but his vocabulary is otherwise great, and he's so pure in his commitment to cookies. I wish I could find another video this good. It's a total hit!

Sesame Street - Cookie Monster's Best Bites Overview

Cookie Monster learns lessons while chasing after cookies.
Genre: Children's Video
Rating: G
Release Date: 27-JAN-2004
Media Type: DVD

Sesame Street - Cookie Monster's Best Bites Specifications

America's favorite slave to baked goods, Cookie Monster, is the star of this very funny collection of comic sketches culled from the insatiable Muppet's tenure on Sesame Street. From the opening scene--in which the wild-eyed Cookie yields to pure impulse and devours a cookbook (rather than wait for a pastry recipe to be fully realized in his kitchen)--the longtime Children's Television Workshop character never fails to entertain with his charming anarchy. Also on the program are classic Sesame Street songs "C Is for Cookie" (and its spinoff, "C Drives Me Crazy," featuring a guest appearance by the Fine Young Cannibals), "If Moon Were a Cookie," and the touching "What Is Friend?" The high point, however, is the gravel-voiced Cookie's scene with actress Annette Bening, who helps him sort out the difference between a "Cookie Here and There." Wonderful stuff for all ages. --Tom Keogh

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 17, 2009 23:35:06

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Pregnancy over 40-facilitation of the lack of physical

And "the wife of the fire, with rosy cheeks and bright smile. The only suggestion that she was seven months pregnant is a way to move projects its place in fashion. His charming personality, not by emotional changes, the majority of pregnant women affected by hormones. She's 40-something, but that impending motherhood has made her look ten years younger. Sounds like a movie star, and says her pregnancy was happy because she has never knownphysical discomfort.

Sounds like fancy someone? Is. E 'fantasy --- older and younger - than their mothers want reality. The truth is that one time or another during pregnancy, most women feel some discomfort. Here are the most common symptoms and what can be done to alleviate the symptoms of:

Morning sickness. Although some women suffer from nausea / morning sickness during early pregnancy, the experience of others thatduring pregnancy. Try eating crackers before you get out of bed. Check with your doctor to drink ginger tea, which helped mitigate morning sickness for many women.

Fatigue and insomnia. My sense suggestion, the first day of rest when tired. Listen to your body. Insomnia is caused for various reasons during pregnancy. Concern about the experience until the birth is considered one of them. Try a good book before bedtime. A hot shower can help. Also,Avoid drinks with caffeine.

Stuffy nose. Increases your blood volume by almost 45% during pregnancy. This increase because the membranes inside your nose to swell. An increase in the supply of water and put a cold mist humidifier in the room

Back pain. My feeling has to stop the second proposal of the day high heels. The weight and position of your growing baby is already having an impact on the attitude and gait. You do not need the added pressure of high heels, thelook good, but not good for you. In addition, the practice of maintaining the correct position (on foot) with your back straight.
Sitting all day resting on the back.

Swelling. The evaluation of the legs as quickly as possible. Do not try to cross your legs when sitting. Stop wearing nylon stockings, knee height or leg high, with narrow elastic bands. Check with your doctor about exercises like walking or swimming.

Constipation. This is not one of the things you thought when you considerduring pregnancy, but it is reality. Drink lots of water and eat a diet rich in fiber (fruits and raw vegetables).

Heartburn. The water will help you more than any other fluid during pregnancy. Drink lots of water if you have heartburn. Avoid hot, hot foods and fats. Ask your doctor before taking any medication without a prescription.

While you feel the physical symptoms of pregnancy, as if it will last a lifetime, be comforted, they will not. As my mother said,"Honey, you're doing, because this will happen."

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Interview with Karen Sherman, author of Consciousness and the Art of Choice

Karen Sherman, Ph.D., has a private practice for over 20 years. His first book, "Marriage Magic! To find the conversation, and it recently," was originally released in 2004 with co-author Dale Klein. It is also the author of a contribution to the "101 Ways to Self-Improvement, vol. 2", a writer in evidence for "Yahoo Personals", a weekly blog and writes on ThirdAge.com deny the column for Hitchedmag.com. She is regularly interviewed by the media and is frequently invited to national andInternational radio debates. Mr. Sherman takes a series of seminars on relationships and lifestyle. She is a member of the faculty of CW Post University and is active in organizations of the proposals. Karen lives in Long Iceland, New York, is married and has two daughters. Enjoys in his spare time, Karen reading, traveling and playing Suduko.

Tyler: Welcome, Karen. I'm glad you could be with me today. To get started, you can explain what is the middle of "mindfulnessand The Art of Choice "?

Karen: Thank you, Tyler. It's really nice talking to you. I have this book to help the people that so often in the lives of their behavior is not really the result of free choice. Instead, most of the time, life is the result of reactions to the models, a model based on experiments that have learned in childhood are, too. And, most important, if not generally pleased with the results of their actions or how their life goes onMany people do not even know what happened. It's almost as if they are working on autopilot. "For example, someone seems to be always in trouble with his entourage. They constantly criticize everyone. Do you think that maybe something that feels and is not still a victim.

I've come to the services and methods of change that I speak in the book of my own personal journey. Following that I lived, I was able toThat look so much of my life emotionally frozen. I have a lot of personal work to deal with feelings and not easy to understand and recognize that there are ways to prevent a prisoner of his past. I began taking these tools in my private practice and my clients have started to strongly positive reactions. So I was more motivated, the knowledge I have gained a much wider audience than shares, only the ones I practice in my.

Tyler: Karen, asdepends largely on the perspectives and expectations of life? For example, a person who thinks she is a victim, not only that they can do something to people like him, but expects to be treated this way if it is programmed to respond in this way?

Karen Tyler, I think you have reached a very important point. It is an absolute reality in the lives of their own reality, only for each person according to their ideas and expectations. And yes, if the hypothetical "it"refers to you and I expect to be treated as victims, as one of the highlights of being treated as a victim in another. Return to the scenario in my book, it feels the filter system run a lot, as you see the world, which then sets his expectations, perceptions and behavior.

Tyler: Karen, because it relates to the election as art?

Karen: I see the election as an art than a science. Exact science is, rigid,specific. For me, the concept of choice that every person has a number of ways and all kinds of potential. So, to honor the journey of every human being, I thought it would be better to think in terms of art that is more abstract, creative, fluid and flexible.

Tyler: Can you an example of how the opportunities are there? Often, people want the answer to a problem, but say it may, many answers?

Karen: Exactly! Not necessarilygood response to any situation. When we responded in an ice cream, as usual, but you can not even consider other possibilities. If from this rigid position, all kinds of options are available. Even if you like the choice that is not true, but can be used as "Fight", you can learn from this and other opportunities in the future. The possibilities are there. It is open for them.

Tyler: Karen, what was yourspecializes in the relationship?

Karen: I have a great experience in this field. At the beginning I had a collaboration for a long time - since I have 8 years to be exact! I assume that these early experiences to promote a passion for couples with their struggle for success and help the children feel safe, cared for and safe in their family. I took advanced courses in this area have the certification in marriage and family work, and make sure that I continueaware of what happened in the area of ongoing research. All types of work that I do to keep alive the interest in supporting people in their relationships.

Tyler: What benefits have personally received help people with their relationships? You always learn from your customers?

Karen: I have a lot of personal satisfaction when I know that I am to help someone, in person or contributed by his report. I feel like I added somethingHumanity. And yes, there are times when I learn from customers. I never claim to know everything. I see life as a journey and, perhaps, my clients' perceptions of something or how he came to understand something is not only helpful to me, but it does allow me to help others. So when I see a tool that does not work as effectively as I want, I can refine it. This allows me to use, better with others.

Tyler: Your book uses exampleshis life to teaching supervision. Want us an example to illustrate what we mean by consciousness that?

Karen: Sure. Many clients I have worked, they would have problems with the control of rabies, which had a short fuse "experienced". After we talked, it became clear that the signals they receive to inform them that they knew nothing bothered. These signals can be that her breasts always close any more and aTachycardia. Ignoring body signals, was set up the anger to reach a point where they are uncontrollable and exploded. By these clients learn how to care for their body signals before they were to intervene in the situation and do something constructive before it explodes. This prevents unwanted adverse behavioral responses above.

Tyler: What is an example of something constructive you can do? Will you give us an examplespecific situation in which might annoy someone and then as the person who could make the situation more constructively?

Karen: One of the most constructive, if anyone remembers that she is angry, it's a touch, long and slowly through your nose. Breath in the neck and chest area below the rib cage. Keep it until the number four, and then let it slowly through her lips slightly open. Here you can restart the parasympatheticNervous system of the body relaxed. They can not be in a state of relaxation and excitement at the same time. Once the person is calm, you can listen more to what is being said and respond accordingly.

Tyler: Karen, what exactly is the role of storage in our relationship? Once we had relationships that we never really a relationship together, and that without the money going?

Karen: Absolutely! Very often, when weare the wounds of the past, you are to someone who) will be dressed in a sub-conscience that reminds the person of your past (usually from your family of origin to tackle the problem. This is why people tend to go with the same type of person over and over again, even after injury, and vowed that next time will be different. I remember that I am a sub-conscious.

But if the person is willing to consider the actual loss and fall under thethe exercises in my book, the brain is actually capable of new compounds, ReWire, that the current situation does not provoke, create the same reaction. Therefore, by practicing these exercises, over time the wound is gone. I mean, if the initial situation can not change the facts, the facts, there are more negative emotional energy behind it. Once the wound is healed, no longer needs to play with a partner. The reportYou or those who will enter an entirely different way, are much healthier.

Tyler: How can you stay aware of patterns and historical baggage, and if you try to sabotage our relationship with today?

Karen: For me, the "red flag" when someone an immediate, strong emotional reaction to something. And if the other person is trying to let go of the victim can not simply be explained. The reason why there is a reaction so strong becauseHanging on to something of the past. Yes, there is a limit to the current situation, but the intensity is the gift that much more.

How to sabotage your relationship, I do not think you realize that their behavior is sabotaging their relationship when their reactions. In reality, the emotions are so strong, it is not. Emotions cloud clear thinking. Only later, when calm emotions (andLater, you can still) a few days, the person can recognize that their behavior has undermined their relationship.

Tyler: Why did you focus on the word "vigilance" on the conscience "in the title?

Create Karen: This book is about to let people know that it is the life that they want, really, you can choose. The concept of consciousness is simply the result of feeling or perceiving. More importantly, requires no action. OnIn addition, monitoring is not passive, but requires action by the Spirit. We must adopt an attempt to focus attention on what they pay at the moment too. Thus, the term surveillance in full compliance with the process of breaking the usual patterns of the past, and choose the life they expect and deserve to live.

Tyler: Karen provides exercises in the book that will help us to improve our relations. Want an example of an effective exercise?

Karen: Ifumbled with various aspects of a better relationship in the book offer. The relationships are very important for improving their lives. Unfortunately, too often I see people who believe that the only way to have a good idea of who they are in a relationship can have. So, if they are involved with someone are like a kite high, but if something goes wrong, or end the relationship, he left to themselves, as they feel are unnecessary, and go to aemotional free fall. Why have most of their emotional force from another person. E ", as the adoption of the fantasy movie, Jerry McGuire, where one character says to another:" connect me. "Without knowing it, the explanation of the dependence of consciousness.

The best relationships are those where one, two completely different people. It's really hard, in a healthy relationship if you do not feel good about yourself. 'reTo search for another person feel good and is very responsible and fair to each party. Of course it is more likely occur if you use a lot of "baggage" of your past.

To a romantic relationship with success, the first thing that you need a good and solid relationship with himself. One way to do this is to accept that all parts that are wonderful and some parts are not. You must be able to love everyone, do not tryget rid of products that are less than miraculous. These are the parts that need more love. All pieces are adorable and you deserve the love can give.

I recommend you to all the various parties, including some stubborn lazy animal parts, etc. Many times, you can see different aspects of herself at different ages. Ask any of them on stage. Now, as an adult, is the unconditional love, and go to start each of them;You express your love and acceptance of this part. Imagine express that every company and your love and imagine the feeling of love for the adult in you.

Of course, it does not take long occur after a single attempt. It requires repeated practice, like learning any other skill. This is a brief example, is explained in detail in the book. And as I said before, there are other exercises, and help with the relationship problems.

Tyler: Karen, what is describedSounds like co-dependency and love addiction. Several other books have been written on these topics. What do you think makes "Mindfulness and the Art of Choice" to be distinguished from other books?

Answer: I know that many of these books and are all well-conceptual. "The awareness and the nature of the election" offers readers the opportunity to really change. Also for a change, effective and lasting damage should be dealt with at the physical level, not only by aintellectual understanding. The tools in my book, the reader will feel the emotions and new views to a large extent.

Tyler: Karen, how do you think, "the attention and the kind of choice" from your last book, "Marriage Magic" What is the difference you want to express?

Karen: This book is remembered more for the individual and focuses on healing the negative news of the past who you are. Learn to be aware of messagesand how to rewrite them so that more positive choices and positive outcomes in your life. "Marriage Magic, but also motivated by personal experience, was fueled in part by my awareness that many of my clients were married, even if they are unhappy. This book should help to revive their relationship, rather than divorce.

I intend to write a follow-up piece, "Mindfulness and the Art of Choice" because it plays more directly into aCouple.

My hope for both books is that people know that their lives can be better. We all deserve and are up to them.

Tyler, an element of "consciousness and the nature of choice" that arises is that the personal stories that were in the examples. Want to share one of these stories with us, and what you learned because you thought would be in his book also make sense to others?

Karen: For me, any kind of abuse I suffered was the worstNegligence. My mother worked in his company in a historic moment that has not worked in the mothers. On several occasions, my parents call and say they would go home for dinner and I have to wait that the pizza taken home. Of course, as a child, I was so excited. You are too late and did not come home, he said. No calls, no explanation, nothing. Only a little girl "disappointed that by the end of sleep without dinner, but mainly because they do not see myParents. When I became a mother, I never missed an event or came too late for one of my daughters.

So yes, Tyler, personal stories are very enlightening. The reason why I expose her was to know that even if you have had a terrible reality of childhood, may be different.

Tyler: Karen, you're a good teacher and creator of the seminar. Tell us a little "convey about what you try in people through education?

Karen: Please ask meProblem because the same things that I bring is my teaching, my workshops and my practice to the message that I wanted people to this book. The main message is that no matter what your past experience, how you live your life is a choice. I sincerely believe that not just every man for what he or she is responsible, but there is also power. Of course I know things are hard, think of my childhood was. That's why I was willing to share,let others know so many personal details that changes can be made. So I want to inject a message of hope and strength and to let others know how important it is that to honor them.

Tyler: Thanks for joining me today, Karen. Before you go, you can use your site and know what additional information is available in May on "Mindfulness and the Art of Choice"?

Karen: I have two different pages: http://www.ChoiceRelationships.com andhttp://www.drkarensherman.com. You can get a lot of free stuff: It is a program of short message, "5 Tips for a good relationship," a program of 3 weeks, you can change your relationship to the principle of action = reaction to an article based on "How to shop for a therapist, and people subscribe to my free monthly newsletter providing valuable information on ongoing relationships and lifestyle offerings.

At each location there is a product that I offer otherTools, books, CD or MP3. And I'm always adding more products.

Tyler: Thank you, Karen. I wish you much success in helping people to be aware of their decisions. Keep up the good work.

Karen: Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you. I hope to read "The awareness and the nature of choice" and acquire the necessary tools to live a life of choice!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Movie Review of The Forbidden Kingdom

It is a magical fantasy film with Hong Kong kung fu legends Jackie Chan and Jet Li in their first collaboration. Jackie Chan (Police Story, Drunken Master, The Myth) plays Old Hop in the real world and Lu Yan in the fantasy "Forbidden Kingdom, and Jet Li (Romeo Must Die, Hero) plays the Monkey King, but also stars such as The Silent Monk.

The story of Jason environment Tripitikas by Michael Angarano (24, Will and Grace) are played harassed by a gang, and hisLove kung fu movies, rented by an older Old Hop (Jackie Chang), during the night one, was Old Hop stolen, and if he tries to protect Old Hop catches a former staff member, who introduced him to the realm of The Forbidden Kingdom shipments magic, where the evil Jade Warlord played by the famous kung fu star Collin Chou. The Jade Warlord has taken over The Forbidden Kingdom, while the King of Heaven is not available.

This realm is a magic number of the Immortalsthat can not be killed by a poisoned arrow from Jade. It turns out that there is an immortal Monkey King (also played by Jet Li), who was participating in a duel with the evil Jade Warlord, who always provoked increasingly bitter about preference for the King of the Monkey King sky, like the king of Heaven, the Forbidden Kingdom in the hands of the Jade Warlord left until his return, the Jade Warlord saw the possibility of the end of the Monkey King to kill a try once and for all, tohe was born during the duel, just in time before it is killed the Monkey King, frozen in stone, and send her wand from The Forbidden Kingdom, and a prophecy, which come as a personal return of the Monkey King to the rightful owner is.

Our young hero suddenly finds himself in The Forbidden Kingdom, where Lu Yan, his partner of Golden Sparrow Yifei Liu fascinating and Monaco played as a monk known (played by Jet Li) must receive a personalMonkey King, is still immortalized in stone in the cave of King Jade.

The picture gives the impression that in a fantasy world where anything is possible.

It has some classic funny moments, especially when Lu Yan tries to summon the rain, while the face strict monk mocks his attempt.

This is a great action film with moments of fantasy, comedy, and the fans are likely to call for a continuation.

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within [Blu-ray]

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within [Blu-ray] Review

It's a shame that this film didn't do as well as it should have. It didn't do very well in terms of critical response (44% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes and a 49 out of 100 on Metacritic), it was a box office bomb to the point of where Square Enix kicked the film's director and producer Hironobu Sakaguchi (The creator of the Final Fantasy game franchise) to the curb, and some people have been popping up who proclaim it to be "the worst video game movie ever!" Surprisingly, one of the biggest defenders of the film was film critic Roger Ebert who I hate greatly for a number of reasons. Roger Ebert handed the film a 3.5 out of 4-star rating and didn't believe people would understand the film. I believe Square Enix reacted a little too quickly to fire the creator of Final Fantasy, which I believe was a big mistake. And to those of you who think this is the worst video game film ever, clearly you've never sat through an Uwe Boll travesty, have you? Not to mention, most scores on different sites that I've researched, beg to differ on such a proclamation. I loved this film, it was an amazing cinematic accomplishment in terms of CGI and sci-fi action films. It may not have the most original storyline, but it does pull you in to a certain extent.
WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Year: 2065, thirty-four years previously, a mysterious alien forced called Phantoms invaded the Earth and destroyed most of the life on Earth by stealing the spirits of their victims. Now the planet is overrun with the Phantoms. Dr. Aki Ross is a woman struggling with a Phantom parasite inside of her body and suffers from strange dreams she cannot explain. She goes around the planet trying to find eight spirits which, when all eight are collected, will destroy the Phantoms. With the help of the Deep Eyes Squadron and her mentor, Dr. Sid they search the planet to find the seventh and the most important eight spirit. But they face troubles with the military, and the military unknowingly is about to destroy Gaia (Earth's spirit) and let the planet become overrun with the Phantoms. Now Aki and the team must stop this from happening and destroy the Phantoms at their source.
MUSIC: This music is simply amazing. It fit the mood well and was extremely well-written and composed. I have absolutely no gripes with this area at all, the music is stunning to put it bluntly.
ACTION: This film a feast for the eye. The CGI is staggering and beautiful in every way... and this film came out eight years ago! Nothing competes with this film's CGI, not even Pixar films! The action scenes are wonderful and totally awesome in every regard. The film starts off slow, but then the film goes off with a bang and doesn't stop till the end. It gets the blood and adrenaline pumping and refuses to let go. This is how a Star Wars animated flick should be, not the disastrous Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Widescreen Edition) (Let's just try and pretend that never happened). Quite simply, this sci-fi flick is kickass.
ACTING: Although not all these actors are recognizable, their performances are really good, even though there are some moments of questionable dialogue. This film may not have the most compelling characters, but they do their job well and they do move the storyline along quite well. Overall, this area is really good.
OVERALL: If you love sci-fi flicks, CGI films, or just love awesome films in general, you must see this film because it will blow you away in just about every way.
THE GOOD: Stunning CGI animation, awesome action scenes, good acting, and great music.
THE BAD: The storyline doesn't quite live up to the potential and there are moments of awkward dialogue.

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within [Blu-ray] Overview

Earth is a desolate wasteland in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Humanity has been decimated by an invasion of Phantoms, insubstantial aliens that extract and devour the spirits of living things. The few remaining humans have retreated to a handful of cities that are protected by massive bio-energy shields. The beautiful Dr. Aki Ross (voiced by Ming-Na) and her mentor Dr. Sid (Donald Sutherland) have discovered that the energy signatures of eight key Earth spirits can cancel out and destroy the Phantoms. With the help of Captain Edwards (Alec Baldwin) and his band of marines, they must scour the globe for the last two remaining spirits before General Hein (James Woods) manipulates the refugee government into attacking the aliens with an orbital laser that may also destroy the Earth.

Hironobu Sakaguchi's film is taken from the popular Final Fantasy video game franchise, which is particularly well suited to film adaptation with its series of original stories, but the movie features entirely new characters and settings. And like Toy Story and Shrek, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is completely computer generated. Unlike those cartoon comedies, though, The Spirits Within is a serious science fiction drama with astonishingly human digital actors. Aki, the female lead, appeared in a full-page spread in Maxim magazine's Hot 100 list--and was indistinguishable from the real-life models. The setting and conflict make for incredible action, but it's the larger issues, character interaction, and human elements that really make the movie shine. The Spirits Within is not simply a science fiction movie, in the same way that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is not simply a kung fu flick. The result is a fantastic summer movie with better action and more emotion than Pearl Harbor, and actors more lifelike than those in that other video game movie, Tomb Raider. --Mike Fehlauer

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within [Blu-ray] Specifications

Bluray Disc

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 07, 2009 00:28:09

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Best Science Fiction Books - The Ultimate Top 3

Have you ever thought, what the best science fiction books of all time? In the opinion to be honest everyone is available as a selection out there to be enormous different. If you search online, you will soon discover that fact.

In this article we show you what is generally considered the best science-fiction books around today.

1. The Time Machine - HG Wells

First published in 1895, this book should be on anybody'sTop 5 of the best science fiction books of all time. It's an all time classic, that the test of time. HG Wells originally assumed that the "time machine" idea, makes us believe that it was possible for a machine that built it possible for us to travel through time.

2. 2001 A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke is in fact one of the best science fiction books authors of his time. 2001, but at the same time, the publishedCompletion of the Stanley Kubrick film. As we know, the film is a great all time, but the book it fits, if not more so than in every respect.

3. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

If you have a top list of best sci-fi books of all time then you would not fight for this fantastic book. Douglas Adams always enjoyed a unique sense of humor in his work and that it will include best viewed withthis work. Arthur Dent's journey away from his house, stopping to walk on a journey through the galaxy in strange aliens and to find the search, demolished the question to the last response makes this a unique experience.

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

A Beautiful Mind - Life Isn't an Equation

A Beautiful Mind is a really beautiful film, and it should not be missed by each of the right age to know in order to appreciate its beauty. It is a schizophrenic mathematician named John Nash, who spends his days trying to a revolutionary discovery / formula that will change life here. The irony is that life does not work if we try to solve it as an equation. Only if we let go and let life happen to us, that we find our true happiness. The Beautiful Mind is aexaggerated history of the Act, and get how terrible life is when you try to solve the non-existing formula.

John Nash is an unpleasant man, not good in social situations, but an incredibly talented mathematician. He is so good, in fact, that he spends most of his time trying to find a revolutionary discovery in mathematics. I like to think of it as a "life-formula", or a discovery that would never happen. The turn of the film, which is done by some in the middle, that is Nashsuffers from a severe form of schizophrenia, and half of the situations or places which are in his life, are only part of his "beautiful" mind.

An imaginary character that he creates is his roommate, Charles. Nash is very good with Charles, who see the public suspicious from the outset that John Nash is not really good job with someone else. The other characters, Nash creates named Parcher, who works to solve a conspiracy case, an atomic bombThreat to the U.S. in the conspiracy Nash situation goes wrong in your head, that is, if he in need of spiritual help. He is taken to a psychiatric hospital and receive intensive treatment. Upon his return home, have suppressed the visions, but that every aspect of the beautiful mind of John Nash. He can not really think, feel, act, or right. He keeps taking the medication, and lost a battle with his schizophrenia. Instead of the hospital, he tries to fightHallucinations as they see fit. This is the turning point of the film where Nash learns how to truly live his life.

Nash learns that life is more than making a discovery, or to solve an equation. It is the love and emotions are involved, a woman who cares for your baby, and the everyday pleasures of life. Instead of his time to himself, John decides to go back to teaching classes, and shares his amazing knowledge with his students. All this, while the sign was ignoredabove his head. Here is an amazing inspirational quote from John Nash, which I will mention will be mentioned here:

"Are the hallucinations ... gone?"
"No, but I've received, to ignore them, and as a result, they have given up on me this. I think that's sorta how it is with dreams and nightmares. We need to keep having to feed them to stay alive "

This is one of the most true and inspirational quotes that I can be heard ever. Dreams will gradually disappear if we do not concentrateon them, and take consistent action toward them. Nightmares will continue as long as we feed them our attention. John Nash won the Nobel Peace Prize at the end of the film, for his contributions to society. A Beautiful Mind is a film about the importance of enjoying every day of your life, and are not in ridiculous theories or fantasies for a future that can not be caught. If we do not focus on the present moment, it may be the biggest regret in our lives. Embrace life of everyDay does not include a fantasy world.

วันอังคารที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Fox Horror Classics Collection (The Lodger / Hangover Square / The Undying Monster)

Fox Horror Classics Collection (The Lodger / Hangover Square / The Undying Monster) Review

3 films from the 20th Century Fox vaults that i'm proud to add to my dvd collection. Two of the films, The Lodger and Hangover Square, features the very underrated Laird Cregar in what I believe were his only 2 starring roles. What a fantastic actor this gentleman was and thankfully with the release of this box set, will always be. Other reviews have revealed the films storylines so I won't go into that. IMO Mr. Cregars own tortured private life spills over into his acting in both films which also adds a note of sadness and sympathy to both performances. With beautiful leading ladies, Merle Oberon in The Lodger and Linda Darnell in Hangover Square plus the exquisite b/w photography of foggy victorian England make both of these films a winner in my book.I also enjoyed the commentary of Hangover Square featuring the second leading lady of that film, Faye Marlowe. The only other work I have seen Miss Marlowe in is Fox's 1945 hit Junior Miss with Peggy Ann Garner. It's a treat to hear her take on the studio system and her very short film career. Not to mention what a lovely young lady she was. The third film in this box set is one I had never seen or even heard of. The Undying Monster. A "B" picture that is as classy looking as any "A" production I have seen. The film stars "B" leading actors James Ellison and Heather Angel. Miss Angel is one of my favorites who also had good roles in The Informer, Pride and Prejudice and Cry Havoc. Spooky atmosphere, a gothic castle on a cliff and first rate b/w photography imo make this little gem as good as any of the classic horror flicks that Universal was making at the time. I highly recommend this set to add to your own collection. They truly don't make them like this anymore but thanks to dvd can be enjoyed over and over again.

Fox Horror Classics Collection (The Lodger / Hangover Square / The Undying Monster) Feature

Fox Horror Classics Collection (The Lodger / Hangover Square / The Undying Monster) Overview

This three-disc collection of vintage suspense from the Fox vaults not only presents three atmospheric and underrated thrillers in sparkling remastered formats, but also serves as a long-overdue tribute to the talents of director John Brahm and actor Laird Cregar, who stars in two of the three films. 1944's The Lodger is probably the best-known of the three; it's a remake of a 1926 Alfred Hitchcock film and stars Cregar as a mysterious house guest who may be Jack the Ripper. Cregar is top-billed in 1945's Hangover Square as another psychologically tormented soul; here he's a concert pianist (Bernard Herrmann composed the film's stunning concerto) who flies into a psychotic rage at the sound of a dissonant chord. And 1942's The Undying Monster is the "truest" horror title in the collection due to its werewolf plotline, but there's more than a touch of detective drama (and scientific procedural) in its frames as well. All three pictures are distinguished by German-born director Brahm, whose expressionistic visual style and emphasis on psychological terror over physical frights help to set these films apart from the monster-driven horror films coming from Universal at the same time. He's aided considerably by Cregar, who set the standard for movie madmen for decades to come. In addition to their stunning remastering, all three films feature in-depth featurettes on their principal players and histories. Concerto Macabre: The Films of John Brahm traces the director's offbeat career (after making an impact with the three films featured here, he concentrated almost exclusively on TV, where his output included stellar episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits), while The Tragic Mask: The Laird Cregar Story explores the oversized actor's struggle with typecasting and his homosexuality. The Lodger gets its own making-of documentary, The Man in the Attic, which explores Brahm's stunning visual compositions and Cregar's intense performance in detail. Trailers and advertising galleries for all three pictures are included, as are two complete radio adaptations of The Lodger and Hangover Square, both starring Vincent Price, who became Fox's in-house heavy after Cregar's untimely death at 31. Commentary on Hangover Square by film historians Richard Schickel and Steve Haberman with cast member Faye Marlowe, and James Ursini and Alain Silver on The Lodger, round the extras on this chill-filled set. -- Paul Gaita

Fox Horror Classics Collection (The Lodger / Hangover Square / The Undying Monster) Specifications

A Three Movie Collection of Fox Horror Classics!THREE classic creepy tales in one collection priced to sell & guaranteed to set your spine tingling. From Jack the Ripper to a werewolf on the loose... there is something for everyone.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HORROR Rating: NR UPC: 024543466796 Manufacturer No: 2246679

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 03, 2009 16:54:07

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552


House Review

House: Limited Edition (20,000) includes House (1, 1985) and House II (1986). House was a four or five star comedy-horror flick that I really enjoyed. Buying this edition permitted me to obtain both House (1) and House 2 for a good price.

I saw House in 1985 when it first opened and thought it was a very clever and well made movie starring William Katt (Carrie and Greatest American Hero). It had good casting, sets, musical score and the creature effects were pretty well done. Special effects were made before the advent of CGI or advanced prosthetics but were effective and hold up very well for the majority of creatures represented.

House Feature

House Overview

Roger cobb is a vietnam vet. Whose career as a horror novelist has taken a turn for the worse when his son jimmy mysteriously disappears while visiting his aunts house. Rogers search for jimmy destroys his marriage and his writing career. Studio: Starz/sphe Release Date: 06/25/2002 Starring: William Katt Richard Moll Run time: 93 minutes Rating: R Director: Steve Miner

House Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 02, 2009 14:08:06