วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

A Beautiful Mind - Life Isn't an Equation

A Beautiful Mind is a really beautiful film, and it should not be missed by each of the right age to know in order to appreciate its beauty. It is a schizophrenic mathematician named John Nash, who spends his days trying to a revolutionary discovery / formula that will change life here. The irony is that life does not work if we try to solve it as an equation. Only if we let go and let life happen to us, that we find our true happiness. The Beautiful Mind is aexaggerated history of the Act, and get how terrible life is when you try to solve the non-existing formula.

John Nash is an unpleasant man, not good in social situations, but an incredibly talented mathematician. He is so good, in fact, that he spends most of his time trying to find a revolutionary discovery in mathematics. I like to think of it as a "life-formula", or a discovery that would never happen. The turn of the film, which is done by some in the middle, that is Nashsuffers from a severe form of schizophrenia, and half of the situations or places which are in his life, are only part of his "beautiful" mind.

An imaginary character that he creates is his roommate, Charles. Nash is very good with Charles, who see the public suspicious from the outset that John Nash is not really good job with someone else. The other characters, Nash creates named Parcher, who works to solve a conspiracy case, an atomic bombThreat to the U.S. in the conspiracy Nash situation goes wrong in your head, that is, if he in need of spiritual help. He is taken to a psychiatric hospital and receive intensive treatment. Upon his return home, have suppressed the visions, but that every aspect of the beautiful mind of John Nash. He can not really think, feel, act, or right. He keeps taking the medication, and lost a battle with his schizophrenia. Instead of the hospital, he tries to fightHallucinations as they see fit. This is the turning point of the film where Nash learns how to truly live his life.

Nash learns that life is more than making a discovery, or to solve an equation. It is the love and emotions are involved, a woman who cares for your baby, and the everyday pleasures of life. Instead of his time to himself, John decides to go back to teaching classes, and shares his amazing knowledge with his students. All this, while the sign was ignoredabove his head. Here is an amazing inspirational quote from John Nash, which I will mention will be mentioned here:

"Are the hallucinations ... gone?"
"No, but I've received, to ignore them, and as a result, they have given up on me this. I think that's sorta how it is with dreams and nightmares. We need to keep having to feed them to stay alive "

This is one of the most true and inspirational quotes that I can be heard ever. Dreams will gradually disappear if we do not concentrateon them, and take consistent action toward them. Nightmares will continue as long as we feed them our attention. John Nash won the Nobel Peace Prize at the end of the film, for his contributions to society. A Beautiful Mind is a film about the importance of enjoying every day of your life, and are not in ridiculous theories or fantasies for a future that can not be caught. If we do not focus on the present moment, it may be the biggest regret in our lives. Embrace life of everyDay does not include a fantasy world.

