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Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within [Blu-ray]

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within [Blu-ray] Review

It's a shame that this film didn't do as well as it should have. It didn't do very well in terms of critical response (44% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes and a 49 out of 100 on Metacritic), it was a box office bomb to the point of where Square Enix kicked the film's director and producer Hironobu Sakaguchi (The creator of the Final Fantasy game franchise) to the curb, and some people have been popping up who proclaim it to be "the worst video game movie ever!" Surprisingly, one of the biggest defenders of the film was film critic Roger Ebert who I hate greatly for a number of reasons. Roger Ebert handed the film a 3.5 out of 4-star rating and didn't believe people would understand the film. I believe Square Enix reacted a little too quickly to fire the creator of Final Fantasy, which I believe was a big mistake. And to those of you who think this is the worst video game film ever, clearly you've never sat through an Uwe Boll travesty, have you? Not to mention, most scores on different sites that I've researched, beg to differ on such a proclamation. I loved this film, it was an amazing cinematic accomplishment in terms of CGI and sci-fi action films. It may not have the most original storyline, but it does pull you in to a certain extent.
WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Year: 2065, thirty-four years previously, a mysterious alien forced called Phantoms invaded the Earth and destroyed most of the life on Earth by stealing the spirits of their victims. Now the planet is overrun with the Phantoms. Dr. Aki Ross is a woman struggling with a Phantom parasite inside of her body and suffers from strange dreams she cannot explain. She goes around the planet trying to find eight spirits which, when all eight are collected, will destroy the Phantoms. With the help of the Deep Eyes Squadron and her mentor, Dr. Sid they search the planet to find the seventh and the most important eight spirit. But they face troubles with the military, and the military unknowingly is about to destroy Gaia (Earth's spirit) and let the planet become overrun with the Phantoms. Now Aki and the team must stop this from happening and destroy the Phantoms at their source.
MUSIC: This music is simply amazing. It fit the mood well and was extremely well-written and composed. I have absolutely no gripes with this area at all, the music is stunning to put it bluntly.
ACTION: This film a feast for the eye. The CGI is staggering and beautiful in every way... and this film came out eight years ago! Nothing competes with this film's CGI, not even Pixar films! The action scenes are wonderful and totally awesome in every regard. The film starts off slow, but then the film goes off with a bang and doesn't stop till the end. It gets the blood and adrenaline pumping and refuses to let go. This is how a Star Wars animated flick should be, not the disastrous Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Widescreen Edition) (Let's just try and pretend that never happened). Quite simply, this sci-fi flick is kickass.
ACTING: Although not all these actors are recognizable, their performances are really good, even though there are some moments of questionable dialogue. This film may not have the most compelling characters, but they do their job well and they do move the storyline along quite well. Overall, this area is really good.
OVERALL: If you love sci-fi flicks, CGI films, or just love awesome films in general, you must see this film because it will blow you away in just about every way.
THE GOOD: Stunning CGI animation, awesome action scenes, good acting, and great music.
THE BAD: The storyline doesn't quite live up to the potential and there are moments of awkward dialogue.

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within [Blu-ray] Overview

Earth is a desolate wasteland in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Humanity has been decimated by an invasion of Phantoms, insubstantial aliens that extract and devour the spirits of living things. The few remaining humans have retreated to a handful of cities that are protected by massive bio-energy shields. The beautiful Dr. Aki Ross (voiced by Ming-Na) and her mentor Dr. Sid (Donald Sutherland) have discovered that the energy signatures of eight key Earth spirits can cancel out and destroy the Phantoms. With the help of Captain Edwards (Alec Baldwin) and his band of marines, they must scour the globe for the last two remaining spirits before General Hein (James Woods) manipulates the refugee government into attacking the aliens with an orbital laser that may also destroy the Earth.

Hironobu Sakaguchi's film is taken from the popular Final Fantasy video game franchise, which is particularly well suited to film adaptation with its series of original stories, but the movie features entirely new characters and settings. And like Toy Story and Shrek, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is completely computer generated. Unlike those cartoon comedies, though, The Spirits Within is a serious science fiction drama with astonishingly human digital actors. Aki, the female lead, appeared in a full-page spread in Maxim magazine's Hot 100 list--and was indistinguishable from the real-life models. The setting and conflict make for incredible action, but it's the larger issues, character interaction, and human elements that really make the movie shine. The Spirits Within is not simply a science fiction movie, in the same way that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is not simply a kung fu flick. The result is a fantastic summer movie with better action and more emotion than Pearl Harbor, and actors more lifelike than those in that other video game movie, Tomb Raider. --Mike Fehlauer

Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within [Blu-ray] Specifications

Bluray Disc

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 07, 2009 00:28:09

